Challenge Driven Education We start the doing right away – there is only Workshop 2 – Wednesday 7th September
Themes for group work External stakeholders Assessment & Grading: government, industry, foundations, NGO´s, other universities, institutions, society Assessment & Grading: summative, formative, individual/ team, cognitive/emotional, structure/content Working life expectations student, faculty, faculty leadership, government, industry
Workshop 2 – The local perspective The Aim of the WS 1: To identify which challenges local institutions have in the designated themes Method: Facilitated group work Expected Outcome: Presentation (5 min) and a tangible prototype Assessment: Peer-to-peer & expert panel
Emphasis is in the perspective of YOUR institutions End result will be synthesis of several institutions. Even though
The process Conceive Design Implement Operate
Observe Observe Observe Observe Observe Observe Design Design Conceive Implement Operate Observe Conceive Design Implement Operate Observe Conceive Design Implement Operate Observe Conceive Design Implement Operate Observe Conceive Design Implement Operate Observe Conceive Design Implement Operate
Phase 1: What are the main problems ? Each person list at least 3 possible main problems (You have 5 minutes) Give the suggestions to the person next to you Create a new list of problems or further develop and refine the list from you colleague (You have 20 minutes)
Phase 2 1. Each person in the team presents their list inside the team and the team discusses the suggested main problems (you have 20 min) 2. Select 3 main problems from all of the questions (you have 15 min)
Phase 3: Implementation After coming up with the final list, start building a tangible prototype and start working with your presentation (you have 40 min) Here we make them present their prototypes and we give feedback
Presentations and the tangible prototype outcome Presentations and the tangible prototype
Perspective 9 windows
prototyping Why do we prototype..? Are we thinking about doing something OR doing in order to think. -> Build to Think! Communication – prototype helps to focus communication
Power of prototyping My idea is to build a cylinder shape product that is approximately 300 mm high, 3 mm thick and 100 mm wide in diameter...
Communication – no prototype person
Communicating with a prototype person