Why psychology? Psychology is a fascinating subject which allows you to understand both yourself and those around you. It offers a range of perspectives on different topics. It sets you up for a range of careers and develops your critical analysis, independent thinking and research skills.
What will I study? You will cover these topics during your GCSE: Criminal psychology Development Psychological problems Social influence Memory Sleep and dreaming Research methods
Paper 1 Criminal Psychology (worth 24 marks) Different types of crime Criminal behaviour as a social construct How crime is measured: official statistics and self-report. Psychological Problems (worth 24 marks) Ways of defining mental health, including the mental health continuum. The current prevalence of mental health problems The incidence of significant mental health problems over time The effects of significant mental health problems on the individual and society The effects of significant mental health problems on the wider society, including care in the community. Development (worth 24 marks) Stages of development The development of brain structures and functions The nervous system; neurons; synapses; and their interaction in development of the brain IQ tests as a measure of intelligence. Research Methods (worth 18 marks). There will be a research methods section within each component. For component 01, the focus will be on designing an investigation Specific research methods content may also be assessed within the topic areas.
Paper 2 Sleep and Dreaming (worth 24 marks) • The functions, features and benefits of sleep: healthy brain; physical repair; emotional stability; stages of the sleep cycle and when dreaming occurs; the role of the pineal gland and melatonin • The causes of sleep disorders: sleep onset and sleep maintenance insomnia • Endogenous pacemakers; and exogenous zeitgebers; and their role in sleep. Memory (worth 24 marks) The stages of information processing • Types of forgetting: decay; displacement; retrieval failure (lack of cues). • The structure and functions of the brain and how the brain works in the formation of memories; – how neurological damage can affect memory; the role of the hippocampus on anterograde amnesia; the frontal lobe on retrograde amnesia; and the cerebellum on procedural memory. Social Influence (worth 24 marks) • Conformity including majority influence. • Collective and crowd behaviour including pro-social and anti-social behaviour. • Obedience including obeying the orders of authority figures. Research Methods (worth 18 marks) There will be a research methods section within each component. For component 02, the assessment will relate to a novel source. Specific research methods content may also be assessed within the topic areas.
How will I be assessed? There are two written papers each lasting 1 hour and 30 minutes Short (including multiple choice) and medium tariff questions, as well as one extended essay question worth 13 marks on each paper.
Which skills will I need for this course? A minimum of 20% of the overall marks are for the assessment of Research Methods. A minimum of 10% of the overall marks are assessment of mathematics relevant to research methods in psychology. As there is the presence of extended writing questions, the quality of written communication will be assessed. This means students should be able to efficiently organise and structure writing.
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