Health Fitness & wELLBEING Learning Objectives To be able to… Content 1.1.1 Physical health: how increasing physical ability, through improving components of fitness can improve health/reduce health risks and how these benefits are achieved 1.1.2 Emotional health: how participation in physical activity and sport can improve emotional /psychological health and how these benefits are achieved 1.1.3 Social health: how participation in physical activity and sport can improve social health and how these benefits are achieved
Reasons for participation Why does somebody participate in sport? Write down as many reasons as you can… Share your ideas with your class and come up with as many reasons as you can
A healthy, active lifestyle The benefits of a healthy, active lifestyle can be classified as either: To do with the way we interact with others, our social health Social To do with the mind, our psychological health . Emotional To do with the body, our physical health Physical
Social benefits Social well-being means how well you relate and interact with others around you Playing sport can help you meet new people and develop good relationships with others It can improve your confidence and help develop skills such as communication, leadership, cooperation and teamwork
Emotional benefits – stress Exercise can help reduce stress and help you deal with emotional pressures It can help you develop decision- making skills which can be useful in stressful situations in day-to-day life Exercise can also provide you with a break from reality and allows you to escape from work or life stresses Tiring yourself out through exercise also helps you sleep properly and feel rested the next day
Emotional benefits – challenge Everybody loves a challenge! Sport can push you to the limits and test your mental ability to succeed Adrenaline sports can be dangerous and provide an extra challenge Sport can also be rewarding and makes you feel good when you achieve your goals
Physical benefits Exercise helps a person remain in good physical condition It also keeps them free from injury and disease To be healthy and active a person’s body should be able to cope with the demands of their environment This demand varies for each individual but the bare minimum of fitness should be sufficient to allow a person to complete everyday tasks including walking up stairs, running for a bus and doing housework!
Benefits of exercise… Improve body shape ? Helping you sleep better Reducing chances of illness Toning body to improve posture Helping to improve levels of strength, stamina and flexibility
Categorise each of the benefits as a physical, social or emotional benefit of physical activity. How many of the benefits could have appeared under more than one category Reason/ benefit from participation in physical activity Category of benefit Lose excess weight Physical Relives my stress/helps me to relax I need a physical challenge I am good at it Gives me better muscle definition Improves my health Gives me something to do Makes me feel good I develop an aesthetic appreciation of the sport I like to compete Meet my friends Stops me getting into trouble/bored Helps me learn how to co-operate with others Improves my fitness Increases my self esteem/confidence
Categorise each of the benefits as a physical, social or emotional benefit of physical activity. How many of the benefits could have appeared under more than one category Reason/ benefit from participation in physical activity Category of benefit Lose excess weight Physical Relives my stress/helps me to relax Emotional I need a physical challenge Physical/emotional I am good at it Gives me better muscle definition Improves my health Gives me something to do Makes me feel good I develop an aesthetic appreciation of the sport I like to compete Meet my friends Social Stops me getting into trouble/bored Helps me learn how to co-operate with others Improves my fitness Increases my self esteem/confidence
How the benefit is achieved Try to explain how physical activity could bring about each of the stated benefits. Reason/ benefit from participation in physical activity How the benefit is achieved Lose excess weight (Physical) Doing more exercise than normal, so burning off more calories to reduce weight I need a physical challenge Gives me better muscle definition Improves my health Makes me feel good I develop an aesthetic appreciation of the sport Meet my friends Stops me getting into trouble/bored Helps me learn how to co-operate with others Improves my fitness Increases my self esteem/confidence
How the benefit is achieved Try to explain how physical activity could bring about each of the stated benefits. Reason/ benefit from participation in physical activity How the benefit is achieved Lose excess weight (Physical) Doing more exercise than normal, so burning off more calories to reduce weight I need a physical challenge (Physical/emotional) Physical – increase in fitness as a result of additional physical work. Emotional –sense of achievement. Important for those who do little physically during a normal day Gives me better muscle definition (physical) Muscles can develop strength and fat stores can be depleted. Both of these results into clearer muscle definition Improves my health (physical) Many physical health benefits e.g. reduction in blood pressure and chances of weight related illnesses. Makes me feel good (emotional) You are having fun, you enjoy the challenge, you are not bored and possibly because of the endorphins released. Helps me learn how to co-operate with others (social) Through working with team mates, coaches and other members of the club I learn how to coordinate with others Improves my fitness (physical) Regular training will result in the body adapting to new level of work we are asking it to do. These changes could include increased strength, cardiovascular endurance etc… Increases my self esteem/confidence (emotional) Playing sport regularly may mean that you get better at it, you may increase your fitness and you may make some good friends. All these things contribute to you feeling better about yourself.