You mess with the halo You mess with the angels, by tamera janaisa halo angels You mess with the halo You mess with the angels, by shatoya nakaya
boys and girls 8:11 They won’t it to go straight. They wont it to be a easy directions. To have a good landing. For it can fly really good. They wont it to do tricks.
what we learned about the gliders We learn that we need to put less clay The other thing that we learn to make sure that your wings are straight an not side ways. Make sure that the back is nice and tight. Make sure that your wings are straight.
Prototype Glider Design
The steps of making a glider Step one: get all of your building things ready like ,tap ,wings ,rudder ,hot glue gun ,stick. Step two: cut out your wings. Step three: cut out your rudder. Step four: get your hot glue gun ready to go Step five: get your stick ready. step six: put wings on Step seven: glue your rudder on Step eight ; then get ready to fly. Last finale: get ready to see a amazing glider fly Thank you for your time.
how to fly your plane Put your plane on the rubber band Then pull the plane back. Then count how many cemeterest then record how far it went.
what we did to change the plane Not too much clay on the front Make sure your wings are where you want them Put your rudder in the right place Make sure that it is all nice and straight Thank you ladies and gentlemen for listening to how we made our glider.