A few months at Pima Medical Institute can change your life! Online Education @PMI A few months at Pima Medical Institute can change your life! www.pmi.edu
Access your courses anywhere at anytime personal career Family SCHOOL Online Education at PMI PMI’s online education programs give you the flexibility in your schedule to attend school and still manage your family, career and personal responsibilities. You can access your courses from any computer connected to the world wide web 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Once you enroll, you’ll go through a quick orientation to make certain that your computer and Internet settings are set properly. The orientation also familiarizes you with all of your online learning tools. That way you’ll feel prepared when you begin your courses. All PMI Online courses are set up the same way so each one has a similar look and feel to it. In the course content area, you’ll find notes, videos, web links, flash cards and practice quizzes to help you learn the material. You will also have graded assignments, class discussions and lesson quizzes. You will have specific due dates for all graded material, however, you do not need to be online at any particular time. Learn when and where it’s convenient for you! Each course is led by an instructor who is available to give you one on one feedback to help you learn. PMI Online classes are not “independent study.” You will be part of a virtual classroom. One way to connect with your instructor and classmates is through the Student Lounge. PMI’s online education community is geared towards bringing online students together to share both knowledge and experience. If you have questions about your courses, your financial aid—or maybe you just need someone to help you figure out your time management--help is available 7 days a week! You are not in this alone! Take the first step. Contact a PMI admissions representative today!
Orientation Now I feel prepared! Computer Internet Learning tools Online Education at PMI PMI’s online education programs give you the flexibility in your schedule to attend school and still manage your family, career and personal responsibilities. You can access your courses from any computer connected to the world wide web 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Once you enroll, you’ll go through a quick orientation to make certain that your computer and Internet settings are set properly. The orientation also familiarizes you with all of your online learning tools. That way you’ll feel prepared when you begin your courses. All PMI Online courses are set up the same way so each one has a similar look and feel to it. In the course content area, you’ll find notes, videos, web links, flash cards and practice quizzes to help you learn the material. You will also have graded assignments, class discussions and lesson quizzes. You will have specific due dates for all graded material, however, you do not need to be online at any particular time. Learn when and where it’s convenient for you! Each course is led by an instructor who is available to give you one on one feedback to help you learn. PMI Online classes are not “independent study.” You will be part of a virtual classroom. One way to connect with your instructor and classmates is through the Student Lounge. PMI’s online education community is geared towards bringing online students together to share both knowledge and experience. If you have questions about your courses, your financial aid—or maybe you just need someone to help you figure out your time management--help is available 7 days a week! You are not in this alone! Take the first step. Contact a PMI admissions representative today!
I NEED HELP!! Has PMI received my financial aid? Who’s my Econ instructor? If you have questions about your courses, your financial aid—or maybe you just need someone to help you figure out your time management--help is available 7 days a week! You are not in this alone! Take the first step. Contact a PMI admissions representative today!
Pima Medical Institute Admissions Take the first step! Contact a PMI admissions representative today! Pima Medical Institute Admissions (800) 477-PIMA www.pmi.edu