Pirate Theme Newsletter freebie by Jean Wright Teaching the “Wright” Way © 2015 by Jean Wright Teaching the “Wright” Way ©2015
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Pirate Newsletter (J. Shoffner) (10-2-2017) Important Dates Email – Monday, October 9th – Fire Safety at school for Fire Prevention week Friday, October 13th – Fall Festival at AWE from 5:30 – 8:00pm Wednesday, October 18th – Early Release Day at 11:30am. Thursday, October 26th - - Fall Pictures Monday October 3 30th – Book Fair begins Tuesday, October 31st- Scary Hair Day. Email – Phone - Classroom News Parents please be aware that on PE days it is imperative that students wear proper shoes, so they can safely participate in the activities. Also every day we try to go outside for recess and it is a safety concern to make sure that students are wearing protective shoes while running and playing outside. Please follow 2nd grade on Twitter and class dojo for pictures and information on what we are learning in class! Twitter account – 2ndGrade_AWE Literacy Tip – Please make sure your child is reading every night. We are currently working on asking ourselves questions while reading a book. Encourage your child to ask you a question about the book and see if you can find their answer in the text on the page. Janna_shoffner@abss.k12.nc.us 336-578-1366 Jean Wright Teaching the “Wright” Way © 2015
Please make sure to sign your child’s agenda nightly. Parents’ Corner Be sure to check your child’s Monday folder weekly for upcoming news related to fundraisers, events, field trips, and class t-shirts! Please make sure to sign your child’s agenda nightly. We will be having a class fieldtrip to see the play Mr. Popper’s Penguins with the all the other second graders in ABSS on Tuesday, Oct. 24th. What We Are Learning: We are asking and answering who, what, where, when and why questions when reading and finding text evidence to support our answers. We are discovering strategies to help us solve addition and subtraction word problems. We are learning about sound and vibrations and how sound travels and how that relates to instruments. We are learning about the writing process and the stages and steps that good writers follow . Reading Math Science Writing Reminders: Please remember on early release days, students dismiss at 11:35am. If your child is going home a different way on that day I need a note to be turned in that morning with your child. Going Green: Mrs. Quigley has started a recycling campaign here at school. Please encourage the use of recycling in home to help form good habits for our children as they become good citizens.
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