MS. BULLOCK 8TH GRADE SCIENCE LESSON PLANS Week of March 19-23 * Lessons Plans are subject to change to teacher’s discretion
Announcements Newton’s Law Take Home Quiz open Tuesday, March 20- due Tuesday, March 27 at the end of the day; 3rd and 4th Stations Material due Friday, March 23 Force and Motion Test, Tuesday, March 27
Announcements To maximize the instructional time and learning environment of the classroom, the following procedures will be implemented starting Monday, March 19. If students enter the classroom after the tardy bell rings without a pass, they will receive a tardy. Three tardies= 1 lunch detention Students will be given 10 bathroom/water fountain passes to use for Q4 in my classroom, in their agenda book. If a student does not have their agenda book or exceed 10 visits, they will receive a lunch detention.
Monday, March 19, 2018 Standard: 8.P.2A.1 Plan and conduct controlled scientific investigations to test how varying the amount of force or mass of an object affects the motion (speed and direction), shape, or orientation of an object; 8.P.2A.5 Analyze and interpret data to describe and predict the effects of forces (including gravitational and friction) on the speed and direction of an object; 8.P.2A.6 Use mathematical and computational thinking to generate graphs that represent the motion of an object’s position and speed as a function of time; 8.P.2A.7 Use mathematical and computational thinking to describe the relationship between the speed and velocity (including positive and negative expression of direction) of an object in determining average speed (v=d/t). Objective: SWBAT correctly identify and calculate situations of force and motion. Classwork: Review Chart and Practice Problems Review Force and Motion Stations (3rd and 4th) Motion, Direction, Speed Quiz (You may use your note guide on the quiz-must be in the classroom and a paper copy) New Vocabulary Words 11-20 DE Interactive Monster Truck Pull Homework: Study All Vocabulary Force and Motion Vocabulary Words; Newton’s Law Take Home Quiz open Tuesday, March 20- due Monday, March 26; Force and Motion Test, Tuesday, March 27
Summarize velocity using the words above in two sentences. Motion: -Reference Point -Position -Location -Relative Motion -Object -Change Summarize motion using the words above, in two sentences. Give one example of motion. Speed: -Motion -Distance -Time -Fast *Copy the chart on the next page in this box Write the formulas for speed and average speed. Outline a graph of speed. Summarize speed using the words above. Give one example of speed. Velocity -Direction Summarize velocity using the words above in two sentences. Give one example of velocity. Displacement: -Starting Point -Ending Point Summarize Displacement using the words above in one sentence. Give one example of displacement.
Speed and Velocity Practice Problems- Copy on back of chart/Show work 1. Calculate the speed for a car that went a distance of 125 miles in 2 hours time. 2. A comet is cruising through the Solar System at a speed of 50,000 kilometers per hour for 4 hours time. What is the total distance traveled by the comet during this time? 3. Bob rides his bicycle on a bike path that is 75 kilometers long to get to his house that is due east of the bike path. If it takes Bob 15 hours then a. What is his speed? b. What is his velocity? 4. How much time does it take a person to walk 12 km north at a velocity of 6.5 km/h?
Tuesday, March 20, 2018 Standard: 8.P.2A.2 Develop and use models to compare and predict the resulting effect of balanced and unbalanced forces on an object’s motion in terms of magnitude and direction. 8.P.2A.3 Construct explanations for the relationship between the mass of an object and the concept of inertia (Newton’s First Law of Motion). 8.P.2A.4 Analyze and interpret data to support claims that for every force exerted on an object there is an equal force exerted in the opposite direction (Newton’s Third Law of Motion). Objective: SWBAT calculate Newton’s Law Problems; categorize keywords of Newton’s Law; illustrate Newton’s Laws; conduct a lab using Newton’s Laws. Classwork: New Vocabulary Words 21-29 Review Motion, Direction, Speed Quiz SEPs Notebook Engage: Interaction of Force and Mass, Friction, and Gravity 3rd and 4th Station 1 of 3; All stations work is due Friday, March 23 6th and 7th: Note Guide using SC Blue Textbook Homework: Study All Vocabulary Force and Motion Vocabulary Words; Newton’s Law Take Home Quiz open Tuesday, March 20- due Monday, March 26; Force and Motion Test, Tuesday, March 27
Mass of Paper Clips Chart Trial 1 Trial 2
Stations Outline Station A : Practice Problems of Motion, Direction and Speed Review Station B: Whirligig Lab, this will be placed in your SLO Folder. Half of the group needs the small whirligig and the other half needs to larger whirligig Station C: Note Guide for Newton’s Laws using Blue Textbook
Wednesday, March 21, 2018 Standard: 8.P.2A.2 Develop and use models to compare and predict the resulting effect of balanced and unbalanced forces on an object’s motion in terms of magnitude and direction. 8.P.2A.3 Construct explanations for the relationship between the mass of an object and the concept of inertia (Newton’s First Law of Motion). 8.P.2A.4 Analyze and interpret data to support claims that for every force exerted on an object there is an equal force exerted in the opposite direction (Newton’s Third Law of Motion). Objective: SWBAT calculate Newton’s Law Problems; categorize keywords of Newton’s Law; illustrate Newton’s Laws; conduct a lab using Newton’s Laws. Classwork: SEPs Notebook Engage: Newton’s Laws 3rd and 4th: Station 2 of 3 6th and 7th: Balanced and Unbalanced Forces Math Problems Homework: Study All Vocabulary Force and Motion Vocabulary Words; Newton’s Law Take Home Quiz open Tuesday, March 20- due Monday, March 26; Force and Motion Test, Tuesday, March 27
Thursday, March 22, 2018 Standard: 8.P.2A.2 Develop and use models to compare and predict the resulting effect of balanced and unbalanced forces on an object’s motion in terms of magnitude and direction. 8.P.2A.3 Construct explanations for the relationship between the mass of an object and the concept of inertia (Newton’s First Law of Motion). 8.P.2A.4 Analyze and interpret data to support claims that for every force exerted on an object there is an equal force exerted in the opposite direction (Newton’s Third Law of Motion). Objective: SWBAT calculate Newton’s Law Problems; categorize keywords of Newton’s Law; illustrate Newton’s Laws; conduct a lab using Newton’s Laws. Classwork: 3rd and 4th: Station 3 of 3; Catch up time for Stations 1-2 6th and 7th: Whirligig Lab Homework: Study All Vocabulary Force and Motion Vocabulary Words; Newton’s Law Take Home Quiz open Tuesday, March 20- due Monday, March 26; Force and Motion Test, Tuesday, March 27
Friday, March 23, 2018 Standard: 8.P.2A.2 Develop and use models to compare and predict the resulting effect of balanced and unbalanced forces on an object’s motion in terms of magnitude and direction. 8.P.2A.3 Construct explanations for the relationship between the mass of an object and the concept of inertia (Newton’s First Law of Motion). 8.P.2A.4 Analyze and interpret data to support claims that for every force exerted on an object there is an equal force exerted in the opposite direction (Newton’s Third Law of Motion). Objective: SWBAT calculate Newton’s Law Problems; categorize keywords of Newton’s Law; illustrate Newton’s Laws; conduct a lab using Newton’s Laws. Classwork: All Newton’s Law Summary Chart 3rd and 4th: All stations work due at the BEGINNING of Class; Review of Stations 6th and 7th: Finish Whirligig Lab; Newton’s Law Booklet Homework: Study All Vocabulary Force and Motion Vocabulary Words; Newton’s Law Take Home Quiz open Tuesday, March 20- due Monday, March 26; Force and Motion Test, Tuesday, March 27