Welcome to Cse490ra - Tablet PC Independent Study Course
Cse490ra - Tablet PC Independent Study Course Introduction Elevators:- on the way up Schindler what? Who am I? Today’s Elevator : A Subsystem Overview Commissioning & Maintenance Activities Tool Demo Project Goals
Cse490ra - Elevators:- on the way up In the beginning ...
Cse490ra - Elevators:- on the way up And then ...
Cse490ra - Elevators:- on the way up Now ...
Cse490ra - Elevators:- on the way up And someday soon ...
Cse490ra - Schindler what? Schindler Elevator Corp. Swiss based, family owned company #1 in escalators, #2 overall 43,000 Employees worldwide 150+ Countries 15,000 Elevators sold per year Maintenance Portfolio > 250,000 units Turnover $6 billion per year
Cse490ra - Who am I ? Name: Chris Mason Degree: MS Computer Science - Major in AI and Diagnostic Applications Occupation: Chief Architect SW Devt for Schindler R&D Office: 15413 NE 95th St., Redmond, WA Tel: 1 206 291 3011 Email: chris_mason@us.schindler.com
Cse490ra - Today’s Elevator: A Subsystem Overview Group Bus Group Peripheral Bus COM I/F PB-Driver Serial I/O COM I/F CADI CAR 1 Service Handler Group Control Group Control SMLCD Buttons, Switches, Lamps Lift Control IO-Handler Motor Control Travel Control Periphery Manager Door Control LMS CAR 2 Brake Motor Lift Peripheral Bus Cabin Prints Safety I/Os Speed Sensor Position Sensor Buttons, Switches, Lamps Local Door Controller Load Sensor Door Motor
Cse490ra - Commissioning & Maintenance Activities Parameter adjustment prior to testing and final inspection. Access to inspection specific commands and modes of operation. Preventative Today mostly restricted to mechanical servicing of components including lubrication, adjustment, inspection and replacement. Restorative Error detection & display Problem analysis Error elimination
Cse490ra - Tool Demo: Group Overview
Cse490ra - Tool Demo: Error Log
Cse490ra - Tool Demo: Call Simulation and telegram trace
Cse490ra - Tool Demo: IO-Display and telegram generator
Cse490ra - Tool Demo : Parameter Adjustment
Cse490ra - Project Goals Research information on the subject of diagnostics Gather a basic set of User Reqts through interaction with field personnel. Analyze existing Diagnostic Tool I/F in light of these requirements and current technologies available. Propose new Diagnostic Tool I/F using current technologies and GUI paradigms. Execute two design and implementation cycles with a prototype Diagnostic Tool I/F as end result. Have fun and gain practical experience with the project process, elevators, diagnostics and the Tablet PC.