ELA, 3/14/18
. Warm-up, 3/14 1. What is wrong with the sentence below. Write “A” or “B. Sauced with lumpy gravy, the waitress served Gilbert a plate of gray meatloaf. A. misplaced modifier B. dangling modifier 2. Define invigilate – WOD (Word of the Day).
WORD OF THE DAY…invigilate to keep watch; especially : to supervise students at an examination To supervise, monitor Teachers invigilate during Milestone testing.
Today’s Agenda, 3/14 1. Warm-up 2. Grammar Learning Target: Journal notes ***We will make corrections to our essays on Thursday in the media center. The final copy is due at the end of class Thursday, 3/14.*** Learning Target: Identify simple and compound sentences Identify complex sentences
Review…Turn to your notes from 2/26 What is a clause? A clause is a group of words that has both a subject and a verb. There are two types of clauses, independent and dependent clauses. What is an independent clause? A complete thought, can stand alone as a sentence What is a dependent clause? May contain a subject and verb, does not stand alone as a complete thought
Grammar Notes, 3/14 (pg.151, grammar book) Simple Sentence – one independent clause and NO dependent clause May have compound parts, like two verbs or two subjects Examples: The squirrel found and buried the nut. (compound verb) The squirrel and bird fought over the nest. (compound subject)
Grammar Notes, 3/14 (pg.151, grammar book) Compound Sentence – two or more independent clauses joined together NO dependent clauses Clauses must be close in thought (related) Clauses joined by coordinating conjunction with a comma or semicolon Examples: The squirrel climbed the bird feeder, and the birds flew away. The squirrel climbed the bird feeder; the birds flew away.
Grammar Notes, 3/14 (pg. 154, grammar book) Complex sentences – one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses Dependent clause starts with a subordinate conjunction - After, although, who, which, when, until, where, so that, since Dependent clauses - tells where, when, why something happened, gives more information about the people and things involved Example: Fossils are the remains of plants and animals that lived thousands of years ago. A subordinate conjunction performs two functions within a sentence. First, it illustrates the importance of the independent clause. Second, it provides a transition between two ideas in the same sentence. The transition always indicates a place, time, or cause and effect relationship.
Important Assignments… We will make the corrections to our essays using the computers in the media center on Thursday. Students will then turn in their final copy at the end of class Thursday, 3/14. The argumentative essay is a major grade for ELA for the 3rd quarter. Continue working on Membean for the month of March. The new session dates are from Monday, March 5 – Sunday, April 1. We are doing a total of 120 minutes, which is different from last month’s 135 minutes.