Nativity of Mary PTO Meeting Oct. 24, 2018
ALL ARE WELCOME Our biggest success was the community the fest drove within and outside of the school It took over 120 volunteers to execute this event! The Family Fun Fest grossed $9781.19 The Bucket Battles held within the school netted $890.19!! The weight of the pumpkin was 319 pounds ! The Committee collected donations valued at $4700.00!! This was an inaugural year for the fest, the committee was tasked with building the framework for the beginning of a new tradition at Nativity. With expenses, the Family Fun Fest netted approximately $3800.00 FAMILY
Rake- A-Thon: SATURDAY, Nov. 3rd CHAIR: Bryna Krentz Community service project and opportunity to meet new Nativity families! Continental Breakfast at 8:00; Raking begins after breakfast. Interested in Raking yards as a service project? Sign up before you leave. Interested in helping Bryna organize the event? Let us know and we’ll pass along to Bryna. June: Field Day Family Snow Tubing at Buck Hill
Family Snow Tubing at Buck Hill Corn Hole Tournament Determine if a Nov. or Jan. social event. Set Date NEEDING A CHAIR TO HELP US HOST THIS SOCIAL RESERVE GYM THRU BLAIR Confirm time: Evening: 6:00-10:00 Need to begin collecting corn hole games/bags. Discuss Food; Bring your own Adult Beverage. Market event: Determine when flier needs to get into communication folder; News and notes. June: Field Day Family Snow Tubing at Buck Hill
Less than 50 days till our Holiday Boutique PTO Fundraiser DATE: Dec. 8 TIME: 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. SANTA: 1:00-3:30 p.m. WHERE: Nativity of Mary Gym Update on vendor confirmations Determine if we’ll have our own Baked Goods Booth or if we want to invite Women’s Group from Nativity Church. Communication: Help Needed Get the word out in Bulletins; both Nativity and surrounding parishes. Flier to communicate Santa visit/pictures for communication folder (Nov. 5th folder) Sandwich boards and yard signs Other Ideas Food Determine food for Boutique. Sign Up Genius Set up for volunteers
SANTA IS BOOKED! WHAT’S NEXT? Need volunteers to help decorate the evening of Dec. 7th Need to get elves from Middle school: service hours Can we Find a Mrs. Claus? Mailbox for Santa letters and craft for kids needed
PTO Calendar of Events 2018-19 January 20th, Sunday: Family Snow Tubing at Buck Hill February 17th, Sunday: Messy Art Night March 1st, Friday: Family Dance May 10th-12th: CSCOE BASH June: Field Day Family Snow Tubing at Buck Hill February: Family Dance, Messy Art Night April: Spring Parents Night out Happy Hour
NEXT Meeting is Nov. 29, 7:00-8:00 PTO email: Check out our PTO tab on the website: Meeting agendas Meeting Notes Upcoming Events and Socials Volunteer forms and descriptions All PTO activities and meetings on school calendar June: Field Day Family Snow Tubing at Buck Hill February: Family Dance, Messy Art Night April: Spring Parents Night out Happy Hour