The Internet
Advantages of the Internet The Internet provides the following advantages: Information, knowledge, and learning. Connectivity, communication, and sharing. Address, mapping, and contact information. Banking, bills, and shopping. Selling and making money. Collaboration, work from home, and access to a global workforce.
Disadvantages of the Internet Bullying, trolls, stalkers, and crime. Exploitation and pornography and violent images. Addiction, time waster, and causes distractions. Never being able to disconnect. Identity theft, hacking, viruses, and cheating. Spam and advertising. Affects focus and patience.
Internet Address Domain Names .mil =military .com = commercial .gov = government .edu = education .org = organization .net = network provider
Requirements for Internet Use Three things need to be done: Follow the guidelines in your school or workplace’s Acceptable Use Policy Learn how to navigate through the Internet Learn proper etiquette for online behavior, known as netiquette
Netiquette Use appropriate titles for messages so the recipient can decide whether to read the message. Avoid writing messages in ALL CAPS. If you adopt or adapt someone else’s work, give the originator proper credit. Before posting, proofread your message for proper English such as spelling, grammar, punctuation, written expression, and wording.
Citing Web Pages Information used to support research must be cited. This includes information obtained from: e-mails graphics sounds video clips newsgroups How to cite a source: Author’s Last Name, First Name MI. SiteTitle. Access Date. Organization name. <URL>