Learning Analytics - Khan Academy and Gamification – Kahoot! Leonardo Trujillo and Germán Hernández Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá Marzo, 2017
Khan Academy Khan Academy aims to empower coaches (aka teachers) and learners (aka students) to take an active role in learning. Principles like growth mindset and mastery learning drive the way Khan Academy build their platform. These two ideas focus on helping learners of all ages realize that they can learn anything.
Growth Mindset Underlying beliefs people have about learning and intelligence. When students believe they can get smarter, they understand that effort makes them stronger. Therefore they put in extra time and effort, and that leads to higher achievement.
Mastery Learning Mastery learning is used in order to advance an individual´s potential for learning. Compared to traditional learning models, sufficient time, attention, and help are afforded to each student. The exercises empower learners to master content at their speed and permit the coach to teach a student content instead of teach content to a group of students.
Khan Academy The platform is based on principles that help coaches, there is an enormous amount of data available in the coach’s dashboard. This dashboard provides insight into, but not limited to, the following: learner’s time on task measures of student progress measures of skills/exercise progress focus of time (videos vs. exercises) total progress through a grade level when learners are active
Khan Academy The coach’s dashboard provides the ability to quickly identify where learners need help and then inject themselves as needed. Using this teaching method promotes a more personal connection between coach and learner. Khan Academy is NOT a grading tool, a reporting (SOL’s) tool, or a means to replace classroom teachers. Learners move between classifications like “Struggling”, “Needs Practice”, “Practiced”, and “Mastered” as they demonstrate their learning successes and failures on Khan Academy exercises.
Khan Academy The platform is based on principles that help coaches, there is an enormous amount of data available in the coach’s dashboard. This dashboard provides insight into, but not limited to, the following: learner’s time on task measures of student progress measures of skills/exercise progress focus of time (videos vs. exercises) total progress through a grade level when learners are active
Khan Academy To get started with Khan Academy (both teachers & students): Go to www.khanacademy.org
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