Transforming Pedagogy & Curriculum with Information Literacy


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Presentation transcript:

Transforming Pedagogy & Curriculum with Information Literacy LSTA: Librarian as Instructional Leader July 14 & 15, 2010 Transforming Pedagogy & Curriculum with Information Literacy

Quick LSTA Grant Overview Precollege Information Literacy Research (PILR) Technology in instruction Ongoing Mini-Grants for IL and assessment IL for the “Rising Junior” Leadership in instruction Collaboration!!

PILR: Research Question Does information literacy contribute to overall learning and transition for pre-college students? Phase 1 Collect data and identify methods for integrating IL into pre-college programs Phase 2 Seek evidence to support the hypothesis that IL instruction makes a difference in overall learning and transition for pre- college students

Emerging Technology and IL Teaching “exploring ways to harness emerging technology and sound pedagogy to create sustainable support for information literacy and e-Learning… how we can connect directly with students and what support we can provide for faculty as our partners in information literacy instruction.”

Workshop Outcomes Discuss how shifting information paradigms impact information literacy instruction Identify strategies and plans to improve student learning and/or build partnerships with discipline faculty Explore available tools that support IL instruction and library services Share experiences with technologies that support information literacy instruction

Keeping track… golden ideas

Welcoming… Anne-Marie Deitering Oregon State University Nicholas Schiller Washington State University, Vancouver

Information Literacy Plans Articulate what you do and why.

Information Literacy Plan Purpose/goals Learning outcomes Modes/models for instruction How do you know they work (or don’t work)? Current top priorities

ACRL: Best Practices Mission Collaboration Goals & Objectives Pedagogy Mission Collaboration Goals & Objectives Pedagogy Planning Staffing Admin & Institutional Support Outreach Assessment/Evaluation Articulation with Curriculum

Linking to the Information Literacy Plan Projects Activities Objectives Mission & Goals

1. Fast forward What problems do your students have learning to be information literate? Communication – ability to read, skim, spell, use grammar Attachment to natural language – entire question Awareness of library resources Need preparation as learners – how to instill passion for learning – IL is more than finding an answer – need to be invested in learning process – persistence and patience Instructors aren’t always comfortable with IL and may not know how to use some of the tools Wiki for students – create a nicer way for them to engage creatively with the resources – students need to be excited about it and understand it – research needs to be fun & collaborative Values of the academy are different from those of the real world They don’t know what they don’t know – they think they are already good at research They need to know the why as well as the how Students lack the spark of intellectual curiosity – we need to meet them where their passions are How does real life research compare with what we ask students to do? Is the information we ask them to use appropriate to their level, need, etc. Are faculty and librarians working together to address this? Lack basic skills, such as using an index – some faculty assume students got IL somewhere else Basic problems: lack $ for computers, software, books; lack time, ESL – language or cultural Limitations of our tools – databases aren’t all FT and students think they should be Students can’t distinguish between different kinds of information Don’t know how to sort through a list of results Confuse IL with technology literacy Can’t identify information needs – Need more time for research Assignment design – hobbled by the assignment or asked to use resources that don’t match the task Visual your fully articulated plan - think about what would be there.


Impact Effort Impact Effort Analyzing Options Impact Effort Review those ideas and consider this analysis Impact Effort Impact Effort

2 Golden Ideas Think & Write Share & Discuss Review your notes for themes & ideas. Share & Discuss Which 2-3 ideas could be used to solve IL problems that students face?

3 Explore an idea Think & Write Share & Discuss Use the project template to begin to develop a project idea in depth Share & Discuss Describe the project to your group & get feedback

Thursday Wrap - Up Share project ideas & plans (solicit partners?) Share and post training models on the wiki – keep materials generic – share story boards Work with IRIS/Kitty to add video etc. (sally) Web site where we’ve found instructional components – explore using/sharing Delicious for this purpose (linda) Use/promote social networking to generate knowledge/research – e.g., facebook, twitter,, Tegrity (lecture capture software) – statewide contract How to better use elluminate esp for IL Usability testing for libguides Develop/find textbook alternatives Un-Workshop Open textbooks/open course initiative – collaborate! Don’t recreate. Next year 2010-2011 PILR Immersion – advanced/custom/new Rising Junior workshop Questions, issues, epiphanies Where to now?

Fitting it all in… Discuss: what do you need to discard? Borrow? Delegate? Collaborate?