Mrs. Lisa Joyner Virginia Baptist College Response to Intervention: Procedures for getting educational/psychological testing through the public school Mrs. Lisa Joyner Virginia Baptist College
Build a case Teacher recognizes that a student is struggling in the classroom with academics and/or behavior and begins a file to collect documentation. Review the student’s file – report cards, notes from former teachers, achievement testing, IEPs, previous psychological/educational evaluations.
Communicate with family Teacher communicates concerns with parents. Rule out sleeping issues. Rule out temporary circumstances that could be causing problems at school
observations An administrator or teacher (not the classroom teacher) observes the student in the classroom at least twice and writes a summary of observations. An administrator or teacher assesses the student.
Complete at least two of these in two different settings.
Interventions Implement interventions as soon as concerns arise. Interventions should directly target the areas of concern. Interventions should last at least a few weeks before requesting a Referral Meeting. Interventions
Interventions Use Academic Intervention Planner (checklist). Reading and math assessments Prepare Interventions Plan Document, document, document! Interventions
Collect work samples. Choose worst examples of the student’s work: Before interventions During interventions After intervention Paint a bleak picture of the student’s lack of progress despite interventions. School
If behaviors are a concern, complete at least one data sheet to record frequency and types of target behaviors.
Parents Write a brief letter that: explains your child's strengths and needs. lists your specific concerns for your child. requests an evaluation/reevaluation to see if your child has a disability. Enroll your child as a visiting student at his/her base school. Mail or deliver the letter to the base school – specifically to the Special Education Department Chair.
Parents Ask the child’s teacher to complete the Supplemental Information Form. These forms should be supplied by the public school. or from here… get/OTk1NDg3OA==
Attendance Pattern – attach a print out of attendance Subject Marks – attach recent report card Standardized Test Results – attach IOWA scores, reading assessments, online assessments, etc… Remedial Services – tutoring services
Choose a few interventions here and implement for a few weeks and record results. – attach form here as well The public school will do this if the\decide to test the student.
Parents, Public School, Private School Referral Meeting Decide whether or not the student should be evaluated for a learning disability. IEP Team members: Parents Public school LEA (one of the administrators) Public school special education teacher or department chair Educational psychologist Private school teacher – preferably the student’s teacher Public school teacher – but may waive this if private school teacher attends
Test the student IF the IEP team chooses to evaluate the student. Public School Test the student IF the IEP team chooses to evaluate the student.
After testing has been completed, the special education teacher from the public school will contact the parent to schedule an Eligibility Meeting.
Parents, Public School, Private School Eligibility Meeting IEP Team members: Same people that attended the referral meeting Review the results of testing. Determine whether or not student is eligible for services. Write an IEP or not….depending on the school.
Individualized Education Plan If the child is a privately or home- educated student, the IEP is useful for accommodations and modifications suggestions, and for applying for tax refunds or scholarship grants from (some) states. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
504 plan If the evaluation indicates that the child has ADHD, but not a specific learning disability (SLD), the group will consider qualifying him for services under Other Health Impaired (OHI).
14 Categories of Disability under IDEA Autism Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Visual Impairment including blindness Emotional Disability (ED) Specific Learning Disability (SLD) Other Health Impairment (OHI) Speech or Language Impairment Orthopedic Impairment Hearing Impairment including deafness Deaf – Blind Intellectual Disability (ID) (formerly Mental Retardation) Multiple Disabilities (MD) Deafness Developmental Delay (in N.C. only children 3 – 7 years old)
timeline 90 days Parent contacts public school to request a meeting. ~ 90 day timeline begins ~ Initial referral meeting is set up. Parents must be given 7-10 days notice of date/time for meeting. Complete evaluations (if team decides to test). Reconvene for a eligibility meeting to discuss results of testing and determine whether or not student meets eligibility requirements. ~ 90 day timeline ends ~
Use the results of the testing to develop a plan to help the student be successful in the Christian School. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA