MUSIC HIGH SCHOOL - ELECTRONIC PIANO – Unit 5 Content Vocabulary: Tonic chords Dominant chords Subdominant chords Arpeggios Flats Sharps Enharmonics Major Minor Five Finger Scale F Position Duets and Class Ensembles F Chord Reading in F Unit 5 Chords B Flat Chord Technique Exercises C7 Chord Sharps, Flats, and Enharmonics 12 Bar Blues Half Steps and Whole Steps Five Finger Scale Duets Chord Progression Essential Understandings: Students will define, identify and perform notes in the F position. Students will define and identify the following chord symbols in the F position. I = F, V7 = C7, IV = Bb. Students will define and identify sharps, flats, and enharmonics. Students will define and identify half and whole steps. Students will identify and perform the chords in a 12 bar blues progression. Students will perform various technical exercises: major/minor chords, scales, duets, and class ensemble pieces.