Student Assistance Team (SAT) Taylor County Schools Revised July 2018
Student Assistance Team Manual What you will find in the updated manual: State SAT Policies SAT Team Flow Chart and Procedures SAT Forms Completed Forms/Examples Progress Monitoring Resources
Student Assistance Team Overview
School Level Intervention Teams The SAT is a General Education process required since 1988 by West Virginia Legislation and supported by the Every Student Succeeds Act. Designed to address the needs of all students: academic, social, behavioral, and attendance. The SAT should not be viewed as only a special education referral process; emphasis should be on early intervention for all struggling students.
School Level Intervention Teams Consistent with West Virginia Department of Education Policy 2510 and 2419, each public school must establish a SAT that consists of at least three persons: A school administrator or designee to serve as chairperson A current teacher(s) Other appropriate professional staff such as the school psychologist, speech therapist, occupational therapist, or physical therapist.
School Level Intervention Teams Who can make a referral to SAT? The student’s parent The student (when appropriate) A school staff member(s) An outside agency (e.g., mental health agencies, the juvenile justice system, or a student’s personal medical doctor, etc.)
The Role of the Team The SAT DOES: The SAT DOES NOT: Provide routine, structured problem solving that is done when a request is made for assistance with solving student-centered problems. Work effectively with other teachers and staff members to analyze student problems and design interventions that will effect the desired change. Determine eligibility for special education services or other accommodations provided through a 504 plan.
The Role of the SAT Chair Appointed by the school administrator and responsible for the facilitation of the overall functions of the SAT process. Duties: Scheduling meetings and providing notice to all individuals, including parents, of date and time. Maintaining a secure method for receiving referrals. Maintaining a log with all referrals received. Collection of all necessary paperwork. Documentation during the meeting of each case and maintenance of the forms in the student record. SAT Chairs should not be the principal—area to let someone else lead.
SAT Process Overview Once a referral to SAT is made, the SAT Chair will be responsible for scheduling meetings and providing notification to parents, staff, and other professionals as appropriate. At the meeting, the team will brainstorm and put in place interventions specific to the concern. After an implementation period that allows for the supports to be provided and data to be collected, the team will reconvene to review progress. Decisions are made by the team—no one person controls or manipulates.
SAT Process Overview During the review meeting, the team will review progress and work together to determine the next step. The team may decide to continue monitoring the student’s progress with the interventions already in place or to adjust/increase/decrease interventions based on student responsiveness to intervention. This problem solving process continues until the intervention(s) is successful, or until the team determines that a more comprehensive evaluation for special education services may be necessary.
SAT Process Overview Original notes and data are maintained in the student’s SAT file. If a referral is made for a comprehensive evaluation, the originals will accompany the SAT referral cover page, and a copy will be maintained in the student file.
The Continuum of Intervention Services The SAT should be viewed as part of the continuum of intervention services for students within Taylor County. The intervention process is fluid, and all members should work in conjunction with one another.
The Continuum of Intervention Services Step One On one end of the continuum, the classroom teacher consults with colleagues and parents and independently implements different strategies. If no improvement, a request for SAT support is next. Step Two The SAT will meet as often as necessary and work with the teacher to develop and implement interventions to help improve student success. If the student is not making the desired improvements, referrals to other specialists may be necessary. Step Three Referrals to other specialists include psychoeducational evaluation by the School Psychologist to determine eligibility for special education services. If the student is found not eligible to receive special education services, continued monitoring should occur through the SAT. Emphasize documentation with minimum timeframes.
Multi-Tiered System of Supports(MTSS) Levels of Instruction: Intensive Targeted Core
Multi-Tiered System of Supports(MTSS) Core Instruction Core Instruction is aimed at general education classroom instructional standards. Classrooms are characterized by differentiated and scaffolded instruction, and ongoing monitoring of student progress. ALL STUDENTS are screened at the beginning of the school year to determine which students are at risk for not meeting grade-level standards. ALL STUDENTS receive benchmark assessments at the beginning, middle, and end of the school year. STUDENTS IDENTIFED AT RISK for not making progress will be assessed more frequently in addition to the regular benchmarks.
Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) Core Instruction Students who do not achieve mastery on essential State-approved grade- level standards, as substantiated by assessment results, are identified for additional supports at the Targeted level by a problem solving team. Emphasis on team with criteria to make decisions.
Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) Targeted Instruction Primary Goal: to provide short-term strategic instruction to support all students who are performing below State-approved grade-level standards. Targeted Instruction is in addition to Core Instruction and is provided to small groups of students with similar instructional needs. Emphasize documentation.
Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) Targeted Instruction Targeted Instruction should be implemented for a minimum of one nine week period, with progress monitoring occurring every two to three weeks to adjust instruction and ensure mastery. Targeted Instruction is viewed as short term and should continue only until the specific concept or behavior is in place. Three to five 15-30 minute sessions per week are suggested. Taylor County Schools endorses the minimum number of intervention sessions suggested in WVDE Policy 2419 as a requirement for all students. Targeted Instruction: Minimum of 9 weeks of interventions with progress monitoring at least every 10 sessions.
Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) Intensive Instruction Primary Goal: to provide explicit instruction to students who do not make sufficient progress even when provided small group supports. Prior to placement in Intensive Instruction, Targeted Instruction should be documented.
Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) Intensive Instruction Provided in small group or individual settings. Should be implemented for a minimum of one nine week period, but could be longer depending on student progress toward benchmark. Progress monitoring occurs every one to two weeks, and formative assessments are used to confirm the student’s response to instruction. Three to five 30-60 minute sessions per week are suggested.
Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) Intensive Instruction When evidence suggests instructional supports at the Intensive Level will be needed long-term, a request for a comprehensive evaluation to determine eligibility for special education and related services should be considered. Taylor County schools endorses the minimum number of intervention sessions suggested in WVDE Policy 2419 as a requirement for all students. Intensive Instruction: Minimum of 9 weeks of interventions with progress monitoring at least every 10 sessions.
Referrals for Evaluation WVDE Policy 2419 The SAT may request a comprehensive psychoeducational evaluation to provide further information regarding the student’s skills. This request are made following significant supports through the SAT process and an adequate period of intensive instructional supports. When this request is made, all original SAT documents are given to the school psychologist and consent for an evaluation will be gained at that time.
Referrals for Evaluation WVDE Policy 2419 In the case of a written teacher or parent referral or a written parent request for initial special education multidisciplinary evaluation, the SAT has the following options: Conduct the SAT problem-solving process (initiate, continue, or modify interventions within a timeline established by the SAT). Review the effectiveness of the SAT’s recommendations within the timeline established, but in no case may the review take place beyond 45 school days. Ensure problem solving activities of the SAT are not used to delay processing a request for initial evaluation. Close the problem-solving process when appropriate based on results of interventions; OR…
Referrals for Evaluation WVDE Policy 2419 In the case of a written teacher or parent referral or a written parent request for initial special education multidisciplinary evaluation, the SAT has the following options: Request an initial evaluation, in cases where warranted, for example, a sensory impairment or other significant disability requiring immediate attention or when presented evidence and documentation of previous interventions sufficient to make a decision; or When a written request for initial evaluation has been initiated by the parent, determine whether the evaluation will be conducted, and provide prior written notice of the decision and a copy of the procedural safeguards to the parent.
Referrals for Evaluation 504 Plan If a student needs referred for a comprehensive multidisciplinary evaluation and is currently receiving accommodations through a 504 plan, a 504 meeting should be held to complete the referral. The team should document the concerns on the 504 meeting notes and the reason for the referral.
Referrals for Evaluation 504 Plan The team then sends the referral packet to the Special Services Office within one day.
Referrals for Evaluation What to do when a student has completed the evaluation process and is not eligible for specialized supports through an IEP, 504 Plan, EL Plan, etc.? When a student has been followed through the SAT process, and ultimately evaluated but not found eligible for specialized supports, the student should then return to the team for monitoring. The SAT process would continue for those services for as long as necessary with frequent monitoring of interventions/supports.
SAT Intervention Process Flowchart STEP 1 Forms Referral to SAT from staff, parent(s), student, or community for academic, behavior, attendance, or other area of concern. SAT Request Form SAT Log Initial Meeting Report
SAT Intervention Process Flowchart STEP 2 Forms SAT Chair collects data from all teachers and staff who interact with the student referred. Referral to SAT form
SAT Intervention Process Flowchart STEPS 3 & 4 Forms SAT Chair arranges meeting and provides notice to all required parties (including parents) and additional support staff. SAT Meeting 1: Assess data, discuss referral, develop intervention plan. Meeting notice
SAT Intervention Process Flowchart STEP 5 Implement targeted interventions; gather data on specified interventions to determine progress. Refer to MTSS Levels of Instruction for required data collection timeframes.
SAT Intervention Process Flowchart Step 6: SAT Meeting 2 Interventions Report Determine next step (6A, 6B, or6C) Step 6A: Interventions successful: Close case Step 6B: Interventions: Continue, revise, or develop new/additional Step 6C: Refer for Multidisciplinary Evaluation Form Needed: SAT Meeting Report Up next: a closer look at what follows Step 6B and 6C…
SAT Intervention Process Flowchart Step 6B: Interventions Continue, revise, or develop new/additional Step 7: Implement continued, revised, or additional intervention for an appropriate amount of time based on referral reason. Determine next step (See 6A, 6B, or 6C). Step 8: SAT meeting 3. SAT provides review/support for open cases. Evaluate new data to determine progress toward goal. Determine next step (See 6A, 6B, or 6C) Step 9: SAT Meeting 4, #___, #____ Process continues as needed with open cases for as long as team deems necessary. Step 6C: Refer for Multidisciplinary Evaluation Continue with evaluation process Evaluation Committee Meeting Eligible: IEP developed and implemented with parental consent NOT Eligible: REFER STUDENT BACK TO SAT
SAT Intervention Process Flowchart Important Concept: NO DATA… NO EVALUATION!
Detailed Intervention Procedures Teacher, parent, or community member has concerns about a student (academic, intellectual, behavioral, or attendance). For a parent referral, the parent obtains the SAT Referral Parent form and returns to school office.
Detailed Intervention Procedures In the event of a parent referral, the SAT designee at the school notifies teacher of referral and provides them with a SAT referral packet to be completed.
Detailed Intervention Procedures For a school referral, the teacher obtains the SAT Referral folder which is a folder containing a checklist of needed information and forms to be completed and returned to the SAT designee at the school.
Detailed Intervention Procedures Inside the SAT folder is the Referral to Student Assistance Team form, which must be completed and returned to the SAT designee at the school along with the information outlined on the referral checklist (located on the front of the SAT folder)
Detailed Intervention Procedures A SAT meeting is scheduled AFTER the SAT referral packet has been completed and returned to the SAT coordinator.
Detailed Intervention Procedures The SAT Chair schedules a SAT meeting to occur within 5 school days and invites all appropriate individuals: **parents, **referring teacher, classroom teacher, **administration, SLP, nurse, academic support, Title I teachers, special education teachers, etc. (** required member)
Detailed Intervention Procedures A SAT meeting is held within 10 school days of referral. At the meeting, the team examines all the information, data, records, etc., and develops an intervention plan (academic, behavior, attendance, etc.) as appropriate. The team completes the SAT meeting minutes answering all questions.
Detailed Intervention Procedures - Additionally, the team begins a Student Intervention Record form for each goal identified at the meeting. The individual responsible for monitoring student progress toward the goal is responsible for maintaining the form bringing it to each SAT meeting. Limiting goals helps to be more targeted with the interventions.
Detailed Intervention Procedures - A follow up SAT meeting is scheduled within 45 days of previous meeting to review data and determine if adequate progress toward the goal has occurred or if continued interventions are needed.
Detailed Intervention Procedures Interventions are implemented for an appropriate length of time while data is collected on progress toward the goal. For academic concerns, WVDE MTSS policy* suggests and Taylor County MTSS policy outlines a minimum of 9 weeks of targeted instruction and a minimum of 9 weeks of intensive instruction with sufficient progress monitoring to determine a valid rate of learning. Data collection documented on Student Intervention Record *WV Department of Education Regulations for the Education of Students with Exceptionalities, Policy 2419 (Effective August 14th, 2017), page 35-37.
Detailed Intervention Procedures At the follow-up SAT meeting, the team reviews progress toward the established goal and decides on the next course of action. For academic goals, WVDE Specific Learning Disability eligibility policy* requires progress monitoring data to determine a student’s rate of learning. Taylor County MTSS outlines that progress be assessed every 2-3 weeks for targeted and every 1-2 weeks for intensive. (Sufficient data points need to be collected to calculate a valid rate of learning). *WV Department of Education Regulations for the Education of Students with Exceptionalities, Policy 2419 (Effective August 14th, 2017), page 35-37.
Detailed Intervention Procedures Intervention Successful – close case. Interventions may continue if the teams feels it is appropriate for the student. Rate of progress not satisfactory toward benchmark goal – SAT may revise/increase interventions. Interventions must be implemented for the appropriate length of time (9 weeks targeted, 9 weeks intensive) and the team should schedule a follow up SAT meeting. The SAT may decide a referral for a special education evaluation is necessary at this point if an intellectual disability is suspected, or if interventions have continued to be unsuccessful for an appropriate length of time (outlined: 9 weeks of targeted instruction and 9 weeks of intensive instruction with adequate progress monitoring).
Preschool Referrals If a student is presently enrolled in Taylor County, a preschool referral will go through the SAT Chair/Principal of the home school, following the outlined process in place within the building. The request will follow the normal SAT process. The following documents are required: Completed PK SAT referral packet Attendance data Behavioral charts/discipline records (if applicable) ELS/benchmark data
Every child deserves a champion: an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection, and who insists they become the best they can possibly be. -Rita Pierson, Educator