Disability Equality Index: Driving business success The session is scheduled to begin at 1:00pm Eastern time. We will be testing sound quality periodically. This session is closed captioned. The webinar platform is under license to the Great Lakes ADA Center and technical support is available via email webinars@adaconferences.org and/or by calling 877-232-1990 V/TTY)
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Disability Equality Index: Driving business success
DEI Overview The DEI is a collaborative partnership between the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) www.aapd.com and USBLN. It is an annual benchmarking tool for disability inclusion within Fortune 1000 companies. The DEI educates the business community on disability inclusion best policies and practices. The DEI also guides people with disabilities in choosing businesses that are authentically committed to providing a supportive work environment.
Why a tool on disability inclusion? Compelling Disability Statistics: Third largest market segment in the U.S. with 57 million people – 1 out of 5 Americans with disabilities (U.S. Census); More than 1 in 3 American households surveyed had at least one member who identified as having a disability (Nielsen 2016); There are more than 1 billion individuals with disabilities in the world, representing 15% of the world’s population (United Nations Enable);
Foundation of the DEI Fortune 1000 companies realize environmental, social and governance factors impact their management, culture, brand and financial well-being. Yet have no comprehensive benchmarking tool. The DEI was founded by a diverse group of business leaders, policy experts, and disability advocates. The DEI provides an objective, reflective and forward-thinking disability inclusion rating tool. Benefits: Recognition Industry Data and Analysis Benchmarking Insight Network Connections Customized DEI Consulting Services
DEI Exclusive Technology Founding Partner DEI Founding Partners
DEI – National Recognition Companies scoring 80 and above are named the “Best Places to Work for Disability Inclusion” Outlets like USA Today cite the DEI as a resource for companies Empirical research cite the DEI as a best practice tool for disability inclusion
2019 DEI Categories Culture & Leadership (30 points) Enterprise-Wide Access (10 points) Employment Practices (40 pts) Community Engagement (10 pts) Supplier Diversity (10 pts) Non-U.S. Operations (non-weighted)
2019 DEI Evaluation (slide 1 of 2) Employment Practices Benefits (NO CHANGES): Counseling services, Short and Long-Term Disability Benefits (10 points) Recruitment: Outward Statements, Recruitment, Accommodations, Proactive Efforts (10 points) Employment, Education, Retention & Advancement: Awareness & Supervisory Training, Self-Identification Processes (10 points) Accommodations: Formal policies, Communication Practices, Funding, Off-site Meeting Accessibility (10 points) Culture & Leadership (NO CHANGES) Culture: Formal statements, Employee Resource Groups, Hiring Goals (20 points) Leadership: Internal Advocacy and Support, Executive Sponsorship, Public Statement and Performance Metrics (10 points) Enterprise–Wide Access Communication Support Systems, Emergency Procedures, Physical Accessibility, Electronic Accessibility, Training and Support for Accessibility Requests (10 points)
2019 DEI Evaluation (slide 2 of 2) Community Engagement Non-U.S. Operations – Non-Weighted Community Engagement: Philanthropy, Public Impact, Feedback Programs (10 points) Supplier Diversity Supplier Diversity (10 points)
DEI Timeline July 11, 2018 2018 DEI Top Scoring Companies Announced/Report Released & 2019 Survey Registration Opens January 11, 2019 2019 DEI Registration Closes January 23, 2019 2019 DEI Survey Opens April 12, 2019 2019 DEI Survey Responses Due
Patricia Richards USBLN VP, Supply Chain Initiatives THANK YOU! Jill Houghton USBLN President & CEO Email: jill@usbln.org Patricia Richards USBLN VP, Supply Chain Initiatives Email: patricia@usbln.org Becky Curran USBLN DEI Program Manager Email: becky@usbln.org