“The Conversion of a ‘Good’ Man!” Acts 10 (10:1-23)
A lady of a well-to-do household was giving last minute instructions to their butler for an upcoming reception. The lady said, “I want you to stand at the front door and call the guests names as they arrive.”…
An individual used only his initials as he did not have a first or a middle name. This arrangement was never a problem until he went to work for the government…
…Cornelius was a “devout” man, a Roman centurion, a worshiper of God …Cornelius was a “devout” man, a Roman centurion, a worshiper of God. He was a giving man. He was also a man of fervent prayer. He was such a good man his goodness influenced his entire household…
to see that being good enough isn’t good enough Purpose: to see that being good enough isn’t good enough
I A PREACHER & SINNER Brought Together (10:1-43) A. An Angel Appeared to Cornelius (vv 1-9)
The “Today” Show on NBC (5-11-98) Sotheby’s art man was about to auction off a ‘64 silk-screen of Marilyn Monroe by Andy Warhol…
I A PREACHER & SINNER Brought Together (10:1-43) A. An Angel Appeared to Cornelius (vv 1-9) B. Peter Had a Vision (vv 9-43)
II Miraculous HOLY SPIRIT Given to the Sinner (10:44-46) A. What Persons Were Given This Gift? B. What Were the Traits of This Gift? C. What Was the Effect of This Gift? D. What Was the Purpose of This Gift?
Acts 26:11 “…went from synagogue to synagogue having them punished… and I tried to force them to blaspheme.”
Conclusion and Summary: Newspapers in Naples, Italy were calling it The Miracle in Naples.” Police started cracking down on welfare fraud. Since that crackdown, 50,000 people who had been collecting disability no longer are disabled… Romans 6:16 “Do you not know that when you present yourselves to someone as slaves for obedience, you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin resulting in death, or of obedience resulting in righteousness.”