Michael Daconta & James Feagans October 12, 2005 Michael Daconta & James Feagans NIEM Project Manager
The Exchange Problem XML exchanges are easy … too easy. SOA emergence will increase the # of XML exchanges. Without a framework for reuse, we will create XML Stovepipes. NIEM is striving towards National information sharing Extending “grass roots” “bottom-up” approach by Global Justice Community Synergy with the Federal Enterprise Architecture Data Reference Model (Federal framework supporting a national approach)
What is NIEM? An interagency initiative to provide the foundation and building blocks for national-level interoperable information sharing and data exchange. Initiated as a joint venture between the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) with outreach to other departments and agencies. Formally announced at the Global Justice XML Data Model (Global JXDM) Executive Briefing on February 28, 2005. www.niem.gov
NIEM Program Vision Practitioners at all levels of government share accurate, complete, timely and appropriately secured information to enable informed decision-making to ensure homeland security and public safety.
NIEM Program Goals Timely Detection, Prevention, and Response to Terrorism, Criminal Activity and other Emergencies Operational efficiency and effectiveness Overcome obstacles to information sharing between all forms of government Leverage technology/lessons learned/success To improve internal processes To improve external sharing and productivity Support information sharing programs (i.e. LEISP) Implementation of FEA Data Reference Model Improve Shared situational awareness and collaboration
NIEM Program Principles Organization A TriggerEvent Organization B ResultingEvent Message Appropriate Security & Privacy Protections Built off existing infrastructure Information exchange occurs at key decision points in the process Technical solutions driven by functional requirements
Technical Architecture NIEM Transition NIEM Pilots Add Content Harmonize Re-engineer Technical Architecture GJXDM NIEM Broaden Governance Re-Work Process Expand Collaboration Increase User Base Review and Comment
NIEM Initial Business Domain Scope The scope of data for inclusion into the NIEM will cover multiple business domains Initial NIEM domain examples: Law Enforcement Emergency Management Intelligence Border Security Courts Probation Parole Corrections Public Health Fire EMS Disaster Management
What Does NIEM Include? Data Access and Exchange Framework A Repository of … Reusable components for constructing Information Exchange Package (IEP) specifications Reusable IEP descriptions (IEPD’s) Specifications for … Building IEP’s from NIEM components Reusing NIEM IEPD’s Extending and adapting NIEM components and IEP’s for domain-specific applications Processes for … Submitting new content, change requests, and trouble reports Collaborative shared governance Support infrastructure Support Tools
NIEM Technical Architecture NIEM Model Modular Component-Based Model Reusable Core and Domain-specific Components: Building Blocks for Exchange Messages (Payloads) Reusable Exchange Message Templates (IEPD’s) NIEM Technical Framework Technical Framework for building Reusable Components and Exchange Messages Technical Specifications Namespaces Naming and Design Rules
NIEM Technical Architecture - Modular data model Modular data model, derived from GJXDM The three layers are: Universal Core: entities and attributes common across most or all domains. Common Core: entities and attributes common across two or more domains. Domain-specific: entities and attributes specific to a single domain.
NIEM Model - Core and Domain-Specific Components Major Domains Homeland Law COMMON CORE Security Enforcement Border Security, Emergency Management, Intelligence, etc. Courts, Probation, Transportation Security, etc. Parole, Corrections, etc. UNIVERSAL COMMON CORE CORE COMMON CORE Immigration Juvenile Justice, Public Health, etc. Education, etc. Secondary etc. Domains Other Domains
Modular Data Model – “The Core” NIEM Core (a collection of namespaces) Core: Joint governance through NIEM Core Universal namespace Structures namespace The minimally supported set for all participating domains; universally understood; very stable; minimal or no subsetting Common namespace Requires central governance and reconciliation; but relatively stable BloodTypeCode BloodTypeCodeType Where the tiger teams operate Universal namespace holds components and properties that can be utilized across all domains Common namespace that holds components and properties that could be utilized by a minimum of two domains. Structure namespace for components and properties that identify functional relationships between information components. Domain-Specific section holds a single namespace for each current and future domain participating in the use of the NIEM standard. As more domains participate in the use of the NIEM, more Domain-Specific namespaces will be added. As more domains identify sharable components, components will migrate up to the Common namespace, and as domains identify components as being utilized by all, the components will move into the Universal namespace. Intelligence namespace NIEM Participants: Bring domain content to NIEM Conform to NIEM NDR Agree to NIEM governance policies and procedures Participate in NIEM governance Justice namespace EmergencyMgt namespace Other namespace Domains Governed by XSTF-like committees that coordinate and cooperate with NIEM SC
NIEM Technical Architecture - Template Library Exchange Package Template Library Set of reusable message types and a message type hierarchy. Message type hierarchy will begin with the most generic communications transactions (e.g., alert, request, response, update, etc.) and extend down to more specialized templates for specific transactions provides a simplified view of the NIEM concept and framework which illustrates that the core components are used to build information exchange package (IEP) templates in the form of XML schemas. The supporting documentation for each IEP is referred to as an IEP Description (IEPD).
NIEM Technical Architecture - Tools Developing and adapting tools that will build a comprehensive NIEM Tool Suite and viewing tools that support collaborative development and deployment of data access and exchange capabilities. Selected GJXDM tools will be adapted and extended for use with the NIEM. NIEM open standards architecture will enable and facilitate the use of off-the-shelf commercial and shareware tools, and will encourage vender development of new tools to support the NIEM processes.
Exchange Development Process Structured approach to defining the protocol and methodology that domain users and stakeholders will follow to participate in NIEM Transforms business requirements into extensible markup language (XML) documents for use in data sharing architectures.
Core NIEM Overall Concept Governance Bodies Information Exchange Package Descriptions (IEPDs) Virtual Object Reuse Repository – types, properties, business containers, msg constructs, service metadata, … AmberAlert <AmberAlert> Transport <Transport> Homeland Security Health IEPD Template EDXL_Msg Core Universal-Core Emergency Management Transportation Justice Semantically consistent across all domains IEPDs New IEPDs Another thread in the process of defining the data elements that belong in the core (either U-Core or Core) is through the analysis of existing or needed information exchanges. Besides the obvious benefits to the definition of a core, this process will also become a model for the future information exchange development. Tools, methods, mapping, process, training, etc. New IEPDs Collaborative Tools (for distributed consensus) Governance Bodies New components Exchange Requirements New reusable components
NIEM Development Approach Global XSTF Global JXDM (operational) 3.0.2 3.0.3 3.1.0 3.N merge initialize NIEM Governance NIEM 0.1 0.2 0.N 1.0 The basic steps to the first production release of NIEM are as follows: 1. Begin with GJXDM Version 3.0.3 as the initial basis standard for the NIEM, 2. Identify universal and Common core components within the GJXDM, 3. Add content to meet the NIEM multi-domain requirements, 4. Re-engineer the GJXDM design to a modular component-based architecture which is extensible and scalable 5. Define and develop the NIEM products, processes, tools and support infrastructure 6. Evolve the NIEM architecture, content, products, processes, tools, and support infrastructure through a series of pre-production releases (0.n), and Issue the initial production release of NIEM Strong Foundation Scaleable Sustainable Initial Governance as a Collaborative Partnership Leverage Expertise Reuse GJXDM Operational Domain Prove Concepts through Pilot Projects Minimize Risk of GJXDM Rework Provide Benefit to GJXDM Users Rapid Incremental Development Collaboration with Stakeholders Executing NIEM Incremental Pilot Development Built on Layers of Incremental Development Success Supporting National Governance Framework with Collaborative Technologies Re-usable Technical Implementation Process (well defined & tested) Information Exchange Package Automation Performance Metrics
Operational and Tactical Integration Continue with GJXDM as is Global XSTF GJXDM 3.N NIEM 1.0 U-Core evaluate for: Justice domain + NIEM impact Core Homeland Security Justice Interim NIEM Governance NIEM XSTF DMWG 1.0 Integration of products Utilize existing governance and information infrastructure NCF provides a modular structure to support a Federation of governance (National coordination) Other Robust NIEM Governance
NIEM Governance – “The Challenge” Current Vertical “SILO” View (Federal) Federal CIO Council DNI CIO DHS CIO DOJ CIO OMB FEA PMO IC Information Sharing Working Group DHS Information Sharing Working Group DOJ Information Sharing Working Group State, Local, Tribal Advisory Council Organization CIO Chief Architects Forum (CAF) IC Chief Architect DHS Chief Architect DOJ Chief Architect Funding Programs IC EA Community of Practice DHS Community of Practice DOJ Community of Practice Guidance Organization Chief Architect
NIEM Governance Structure
NIEM Governance “The Horizontal Glue” DHS CIO DOJ CIO Other Partner CIO NEIM Executive Steering Committee NIEM Program Management Council Chief Architect DHS Chief Architect DHS Communities of Practice DOJ Chief Architect DOJ NIEM Technical Committee The DNI has a requirement to stand up a Governance process to comply with EO 13356 recommendations The NISWG reviews the requirement and forwards it to the IC EA COP. The IC EA COP is responsible for architectural coordination. The IC MWG is responsible for Information Sharing Standards coordination The IC SWG is responsible for technical Standards coordination The IC EA COP recommends a data exchange format to the NISWG Data exchange format NISWG coordinates with state, local, & Tribal council representatives reviews, approves and forwards the recommendations to the NCF Executive Council NISWG issues actionable guidance to programs The NCF Executive Council: Consists of NCF participant agency's CIO's or their representatives Coordinates with Government Council of CIOs to assess FEA PMO Reference Model impacts The approved data exchange format is integrated into NIEM
NIEM Support Infrastructure A Repository of … Reusable components for constructing Information Exchange Package (IEP) specifications Reusable IEP descriptions (IEPD’s) NIEM IEP Library, … Specifications and Guides for … Building IEP’s from NIEM components Reusing NIEM IEPD’s Extending and adapting NIEM components and IEP’s for domain-specific applications, … User Help … Training, Workshops, Conferences User/Discussion Groups, Helpdesk, … Support Tools … Configuration Management IEP Development, …
Shaping NIEM 1.0 Reviewing and providing Feedback on NIEM Deliverables NIEM 0.n Releases Technical Architecture Content Functional ConOps Interim Governance Plan NIEM NDR Other Deliverables NIEM Public Website: http://www.niem.gov Establishing a NIEM Pilot Project Developing and implementing NIEM exchange messages Technology Evaluation Adding Content Each of whom brings unique perspective and contributes important content to the NIEM development efforts. Feedback and lessons learned from the early adopter pilots will be a principal driver in evolving NIEM to new versions and addressing the information sharing requirements of this broad and expanding community. Will also continue to function and develop information exchange standards particular to their individual domains, and these standards will likely identify additional candidates for Common and Universal Core data components for NIEM. Participating on NIEM Workings, Committees, and Tiger Teams