February 19 November 2008 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: RFID-SG Closing Report for.


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Presentation transcript:

February 19 November 2008 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: RFID-SG Closing Report for Dallas, Texas, November 2008 Date Submitted: November 13, 2008 Source: Mike McInnis, The Boeing Company Contact: Mike McInnis, The Boeing Company Voice: E-Mail: michael.d.mcinnis@boeing.com Re: RFID-SG Closing Report for the November 2008 Session Abstract: Closing Report for the RFID-SG Session in Dallas, Texas. Purpose: To investigate forming an RFID ultra-low energy tag, sensor, and reader/transceiver PHY and MAC Study Group. Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. Mike McInnis, The Boeing Company

6th Meeting as a Study Group November 2008 IEEE 802.15 RFID-SG Closing Report 6th Meeting as a Study Group Dallas, Texas November 13, 2008 Mike McInnis, The Boeing Company

IEEE 802.15 RFID Study Group Meeting Overview November 2008 IEEE 802.15 RFID Study Group Meeting Overview RFID-IG Volunteer Chair: M. McInnis Volunteer Co-Chair: George Cavage 2. Three each meeting time slots were allocated during this session. 3. Attendance: Approx. 28 attendees in Monday PM2 slot. Approx. 8 attendees in Tuesday Evening slot. Approx. 16 attendees in Wednesday AM1 slot. 4. Relative Documents during this meeting session: 15-08-0750-01-rfid-RFID-SG-Agenda-Nov-2008.xls 15-08-0751-02-rfid-RFID-SG-Opening-Introduction-Nov-2008.ppt 15-08-0763-01-rfid-Draft-PAR.doc 15-08-0665-03-rfid-Draft-5C-Document.doc 15-08-0824-00-rfid-RFID-SG-Minutes-Dallas-Nov-2008.doc 15-08-0803-03-rfid-responses-to-pending-802-15-4f-PAR-Comments-November-plenary.ppt Mike McInnis, The Boeing Company

November 2008 RFID SG Overview The IEEE 802 LAN/MAN Standards Committee (LMSC) has chartered the IEEE 802.15 RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) Study Group to investigate and develop IEEE 802 'Project Authorization Request' (PAR) and '5 Criteria' documents which define the direction of an IEEE 802 Task Group as it develops a new IEEE 802 wireless standard. The PAR, 5C, and Comment Resolution documents identified below were submitted to the IEEE 802 Executive Committee during the November 2008 IEEE 802 Plenary meeting in Dallas, Texas for consideration toward taking the next step for the 802.15 RFID Study Group to become an 802.15.4f Task Group for the purpose of beginning the process of drafting an Active RFID standard. 15-08-0763-01-rfid-Draft-PAR.doc 15-08-0665-03-rfid-Draft-5C-Document.doc 15-08-0803-03-rfid-responses-to-pending-802-15-4f-PAR-Comments-November-plenary.ppt Mike McInnis, The Boeing Company

RFID SG Meeting Achievements November 2008 RFID SG Meeting Achievements Received comments from IEEE 802.11 and IEEE 802.3 Working Groups regarding the RFID Study Group’s PAR and 5C document submittals. Utilized our three 2-hour long meeting sessions to draft RFID Study Group responses back to the 802.11 and 802.3 Working Groups. Due to the comments received from 802.11 and 802.3 the RFID SG agreed to make additions and clarifications to the 802.15.4f PAR and 5C documents for re-submittal. The RFID SG unanimously approved submittal of the modified PAR, 5C, and comment resolution documents to the 802.15 WG for approval. The 802.15 WG approved our 802.15.4f PAR, 5C, and Comment Resolution documents during the mid-week 802.15 plenary meeting. Mike McInnis, The Boeing Company

Motion within the RFID SG November 2008 Motion within the RFID SG Move to approve comment resolution document 15-08-0803-02, and resulting changes to the pending 802.15.4f PAR and 5C documents, 0665-02/0763-00 for submission to the 802.15 Working Group and to authorize the RFID SG Chairs and 802.15 WG Chair to make changes as appropriate. Moved: Mike McInnis Seconded: Ciaran Connell Motion is approved by unanimous consent. In attendance were 16 individuals. Mike McInnis, The Boeing Company

Motion to 802.15 Working Group November 2008 Motion to 802.15 Working Group Move that the WG accept the proposed comment resolutions document 15-08-0803-02 and the corresponding modifications to the 802.15.4f PAR and 5C 15-08-0664-03 and 15-08-665-02. Further, the WG authorizes the Study Group and Working Group chairs jointly to make any modifications needed to the comment package prior to its submission to the EC at or before 1700 central time, Nov 12. Any resulting modifications to the PAR and 5C will be brought to the WG for affirmation at the WG closing plenary. Moved: Mike McInnis Seconded: George Cavage Motion passed 63/0/6 Mike McInnis, The Boeing Company

Objectives for next meeting November 2008 Objectives for next meeting Resolve any further WG, ExCom, and NesCom comments on pending 802.15.4f PAR and 5C documents if applicable. Draft an Active RFID Call-for-Applications (CFA) release. Begin drafting a technical requirements document. Mike McInnis, The Boeing Company

Next Steps Visit the IEEE 802.15 RFID Study Group Web Page: November 2008 Next Steps Visit the IEEE 802.15 RFID Study Group Web Page: http://www.ieee802.org/15/pub/SGrfid.html Sign up for 802.15 RFID SG Reflector: http://grouper.ieee.org/groups/802/15/pub/Subscribe.html Next Meeting: January 18-23, 2009 in Los Angeles, California http://grouper.ieee.org/groups/802/15/pub/Meeting_Plan.html Mike McInnis, The Boeing Company