Proposal for the 2019 International Conference on Axiomatic Design Dr. Ang Liu Senior Lecturer and Director of Engineering Design School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering University of New South Wales Email:
About UNSW Sydney One of the top 50/100 global universities in Australia The largest and best engineering school in Australia Located in one of the most dynamic cities - Sydney UNSW 2025 Strategy (i.e., academic excellence, global impact, and social engagement) Proposal for the 2019 International Conference on Axiomatic Design
Proposal of Conference Program Schedule: 3 days in November 2019 (Summer in Australia) Paper Publication: 9 month cycle Conference Themes: DTM, AD applications, AD development, AD for Industry 4.0, design education, etc. Conference Program: 1-2 AD tutorial sessions 2-3 keynote presentation sessions 8-10 technical presentation sessions Student design competition One-day social program (i.e., exploration of Sydney) Conference Committee: International Advisory Committee Local Organization Committee Proposal for the 2019 International Conference on Axiomatic Design
A special workshop about Digital Twin Proposal for the 2019 International Conference on Axiomatic Design
Conference Venue Studio classrooms owned by the School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Proposal for the 2019 International Conference on Axiomatic Design
Accommodation and Transportation Sydney International Airport 20 minutes by car from the airport to UNSW campus Some nice hotels near the Coogee beach 10 minutes by car from Coogee beach to UNSW campus Proposal for the 2019 International Conference on Axiomatic Design
One-Day Social Program Proposal for the 2019 International Conference on Axiomatic Design
Opportunities and Challenges “Strategic” support from the University leadership UNSW’s ambition to strengthen design education and establish a design school There are a number of design-motivated faculty members and students Proposal for the 2019 International Conference on Axiomatic Design
Opportunities and Challenges Proposal for the 2019 International Conference on Axiomatic Design
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