After Action Review (AAR) Professional discussion of an event, focused on performance standards Enables soldier to discover for themselves what happened; why it happened; how to sustain strengths and improve on weaknesses Provides: Candid insights into specific soldier, leader and unit strengths and weaknesses, from various perspectives Feedback and insight critical to battle-focused training Details often lacking in evaluation reports alone Can be formal or informal
After Action Review (AAR) Steps Review what was supposed to happen (training plan): Evaluator, along with participants, reviews what was supposed to happen based on commander’s intent, the training plan, and task and evaluation outlines Establish what actually happened: Evaluator and participants determine what actually happened during the performance of the training task Determine what was right or wrong with what happened: Participants discuss the strong or weak points of their performance; evaluator facilitates the discussion Determine how task should be done differently next time: Evaluator assists unit in determining how participants will perform differently the next time the task is performed.