Cabarrus County Schools Mount Pleasant High School Choosing Appropriate Rigor for High School for Gifted and Advanced Learners Cabarrus County Schools - Gifted Education Program
Academic Rigor Matters High achievement in rigorous high school courses is the best predictor of college success. Cabarrus County Schools students are encouraged to take the most challenging courses for their ability levels. Academically/Intellectually Gifted (AIG) students are particularly encouraged to select courses that continue to challenge them in their area(s) of giftedness. Cabarrus County Schools - Gifted Education Program
Choosing Academic Rigor Coursework Honors AP CCP NCVPS NCSSM or NCSSM Online Certifications (CTE courses) Enrichment Extracurricular activities After-school programs Summer experiences Internships Accolades Junior Marshal Honors graduates NC Academic Scholar Cabarrus County Schools - Gifted Education Program
Cabarrus County Schools - Gifted Education Program COURSEWORK: Honors Skills developed in Honors Coursework: Motivation Solid work habits Responsibility and ownership of learning Passion for the subject Perseverance through challenges Honors Guideline A in preceding standard course B in preceding Honors course Insights Criteria for each course will include assignment(s) that demonstrate rigorous engagement and depth of learning. Examples: research paper, portfolio, projects, etc. Emphasis placed on extension to College Readiness Standards (ex. AP, ACT, etc.) Extra Quality Point = .5* *Entered HS 2015-16 & later Cabarrus County Schools - Gifted Education Program
COURSEWORK: Advanced Placement (AP) Skills developed in AP coursework College-level High motivation Solid work habits Independence in learning Passion for the subject Advanced reading, writing, analytical thinking, project-based learning PLAN, PSAT preparation Insights College Board syllabi Potential for college credit GPA boost (extra quality point) College admission: rigor & readiness Extra Quality Point = 1* *Entered HS 2015-16 & later Cabarrus County Schools - Gifted Education Program
COURSEWORK: CTE Certificates & College Credit CTE Potential Interest in courses Good work habits Engagement with curriculum High achievement Insights Upper level options in many career cluster areas Some honors options Certification exams in some courses Work Keys Potential for community college credits in some courses (high achievement in class & on VOCAT) Cabarrus County Schools - Gifted Education Program
Cabarrus County Schools - Gifted Education Program ENRICHMENT NC Governor’s School Summer Ventures College Preparation Programs (CFNC Listing) School-based Clubs, Athletics, Leadership Community-based organizations Volunteer/Service Learning Cabarrus County Schools - Gifted Education Program
Cabarrus County Schools - Gifted Education Program ACCOLADES Honor Roll A Honor Roll B Honors Roll Junior Marshal Top 15 Juniors Play role at graduation events Honors Graduate Cum Laude Summa Cum Laude Magna Cum Laude NC Academic Scholar 3.5 unweighted GPA Complete NC graduation requirements Complete additional electives (including foreign language) Complete three advanced courses in junior/senior year Seal on diploma No scholarship $ at this time Class Rank Calculated end of each semester Cabarrus County Schools - Gifted Education Program
Cabarrus County Schools - Gifted Education Program AIG students should… Carefully plan and monitor high school course selections and performance to ensure continued rigor and challenge in the student’s area of giftedness. Consult with teachers, counselor(s), API, AIG Coordinator(s) regarding questions related to academic rigor or other AIG concerns. Cabarrus County Schools - Gifted Education Program
Cabarrus County Schools - Gifted Education Program AIG Student Resources CCS Gifted Education Coordinator: Nicolle Sandor School AIG Contact: Jennifer Dixon & Lauren Mauldin School Assistant Principal for Instruction: Meghan Frazier School Counselors: Kathryn Strack & Lynn Thomas Career Development Coordinator: Liz Poole CCS AIG Webpage: Cabarrus County Schools - Gifted Education Program