The Science of Biology Chapter 1
Science is an organized way of gathering and analyzing evidence about the natural world. 1.1: What is Science?
Always changing Based on evidence and facts, not beliefs Only deals with the natural world Always tested
provide natural explanations for events in the natural world Investigate and understand the natural world use those explanations to make logical interpretations The Goals of Science
Organized method to investigate and answer questions in an orderly way Scientific Method
Observing & Asking Questions Scientific investigations begin with observations, the act of noticing and describing events or processes in a careful, orderly way. Sometimes observations can lead to questions that no one has asked before. Observing & Asking Questions
Inferring & Forming a Hypothesis After posing questions, scientists use further observations to make inferences, or logical interpretations based on what is already known. Inference can lead to a hypothesis, or a testable explanation for a set of observations Possible answer to a scientific question Inferring & Forming a Hypothesis
Experiments Scientific hypotheses are tested Scientists design experiments to test hypotheses by changing certain factors called variables Experiments
Collecting & Analyzing Data Scientists make detailed records of experimental observations, gathering information called data. There are 2 main types of data- quantitative and qualitative. Collecting & Analyzing Data
Quantitative data are numbers obtained by counting or measuring, and can include the number of individuals, length, width, and weight.
Qualitative data are descriptive and involve characteristics that cannot usually be counted, and can include texture, type, and other notes.
Scientists use data from experiments as evidence to support, refute, or revise the hypothesis being tested, and to draw a valid conclusion. They will share their conclusion with others using publications called journals Drawing Conclusions
Designing Experiments Scientists use experiments to test hypotheses Change different variables and observe 2 types of variables Designing Experiments
independent- deliberately changed or manipulated Only one will be tested in each experiment dependent- observed and changes in response to independent variable