Grammar Time! STEP 1: Pick up 5 pieces of paper from the student center – whatever color and color combination you desire.
Creating your 8 POS Booklet
Now label each of your folds Parts of Speech Noun Pronoun Adjective Article Verb Adverb Conjunction Preposition Interjection
Note taking: Write each definition of the parts of speech above the word, but hidden under the tab. Write 3 examples of each part of speech on the back.
8 Parts of Speech Amazingly, only eight parts of speech are used to classify hundreds of thousands of words. The challenge is that many words can be used for more than one part of speech. Select yes on the ballot. (noun) Cast a yes vote. (adjective) He voted yes. (adverb) Yes! (Interjection) Additionally, phrases and clauses can act as nouns, adjectives, or adverbs.
Comprehension Check On a piece of paper, copy the following sentences and label each word with the proper part of speech. She slowly digested her food. Mike rudely chewed and talked with his mouth open. Do you think we can get some service at this restaurant?
Comprehension Check She slowly digested her food. She – pronoun Slowly – adverb Digested – verb Her – pronoun Food – noun
Comprehension Check 2. Mike rudely chewed and talked with his mouth open. Mike – noun Rudely – adverb Chewed – verb And – conjunction Talked – verb With – preposition His – pronoun Mouth - noun Open - adjective
Comprehension Check 3. Do you think we can get some service at this restaurant? Do – verb You – pronoun Think – verb We – pronoun Can – verb Get – verb Some – adjective Service – noun At – preposition This – adjective Restaurant – noun
A word that names a person, place, thing, idea, animal, quality, or action. Nouns functions as the subject of the sentence.
A word that takes the position of a noun and functions as nouns do.
A word that modifies, qualifies, or describes nouns and pronouns Generally adjectives appear immediately before the words they modify.
*ARTICLES A word that is used before a noun and functions as an adjective All articles are adjectives, but not all adjectives are articles A, AN, THE
A word denoting action, occurrence, or existence
A word that modifies, verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. An “ly” ending almost always changes an adjective to an adverb
A word that functions as a connector between words, phrases, and clauses
A word that establishes a relationship between its object and another word in the sentence
An exclamation expressing emotion
On a sheet of paper that you will turn in: 1. Use PART in as few sentences as possible as a noun, verb, and adverb. 2. Use KEY in as few sentences as possible as a noun, verb, and adjective. 3. Use SO in as few sentences as possible as an adjective, adverb, and conjunction. 4. Use PAINT in as few sentences as possible as a noun, and verb.