”From 2D to Video” By Andrea de Polo Fratelli Alinari “The world’s oldest photographic archive” www.alinari.com
Topics covered Fratelli Alinari brief intro NEMOSINE project Alinari Image Museum video implementation Closing remarks
Alinari 1852-2002 The Fratelli Alinari Photographic Archive The Alinari Image Museum (AIM) Fratelli Alinari activity: 1. The Fine Art Printing dept. 2. The Editorial work 3. The picture library New photographic campaigns 4. The exhibitions 5. The restoration and conservation laboratory 6. Alinari On-Line
Innovative packaging solutions for storage and conservation of 20th century cultural heritage of artefacts based on cellulose derivative GA760801 funded by
Definition of requirements of each selected CH artefact (movies, photographs and slides) Package concept design based on defined requirements (namely: PAT-Photo Activity Test savvy, strength and robustness of the packing, usability, economical value). To identify end users and validators that will assess the requirements for the preserved content (movies, photographs, posters and slides). To define User evaluations which will be instrumental in determining the usability and potential usefulness of proposed Packaging solutions for knowledge long term preservation, discovery and exploration of cultural heritage collections.
NEMOSINE SOLUTIONS 76 The SMART PACKAGE solutions: The modular concept of a whole protective device would allow to generate three different packages with different functionalities and final cost, depending on the technical protective/ preventive or curative purposes of cultural objects.
NEMOSINE CONSORTIUM Work flow relationships:
This year, citizens across the globe will take one trillion photos1, flooding an already saturated market. Also, there are millions of 19th and 20th C. photos preserved in memory institutions worldwide, that offer irreplaceable cultural and historical content. Unfortunately, many are not stored digitally, nor publicly shared and they often lack provenance documentation and content annotations, hence, only the tip of the iceberg can be efficiently accessed, understood and enjoyed.
Defining the market Traditional methods of photo content licensing are dying. People expect to pay less for content, as it is considered ‘free’ on the Internet. Conversely, video markets are evolving towards new service models: HDTV is slowly taking off, and new technologies are being adopted like 4K3DTV, and High Dynamic Range TV. Transforming photos into video is an attractive idea, one which the traditional photographic sector is desperately seeking. However, asset conversion requires someone or something to accurately ‘unlock’ the embedded content and meaning of a photo; requiring the skill and time of an expert operator, plus the purchasing of expensive video authoring SW. Although 4K displays and high-speed broadcasting networks are more accessible to consumers, there is still a lack for quality content for them. This market is ripe for exploitation, hence our goal is to develop an authoring platform that can enable anyone to generate engaging quality content in a fast and easy manner.
Photographic metadata Videoclip-based system Original photo Photographic metadata 2D+ footage Text to speech (TTS) Drag & drop folder (batch processing) Videoclip-based system Enterprise system
Haptic and Tactile Museum: People with handicaps will enjoy the visit too! AIM aims at the development of an intelligent system able to understand a 2D photograph containing complex scenes and render it as a 3D multisensorial scenario artefact for a deep exploration.
The visitor directly interact with the machine...
Contact: Mr. Andrea de Polo andrea@alinari.it Skype: andreuscia mobile: +0039-347-4883223 www.alinari.com