AMORO, The Story of Palestine’s First Mushroom Farm Facebook: amorofarm E-mail:
Amoro Agriculture Establishment location Industry Co-founders – no agri background Amoro meaning Why mushroom? Why not? Philosophy- local production Competitive edge- a first mover- pioneer Alternatives to traditional businesses How mushrooms grow Infrastructure- building and technology Current status- import restriction- indiegogo- come back
Social Entrepreneurship Social entrepreneurship is the use of startup companies and other entrepreneurial vehicles to develop, fund and implement solutions to social, cultural, or environmental issues. BALANCE Society Economy Ecology
Creating Socioeconomic Value Social and economic impact Breaking Israeli monopoly- providing people with choice; Meeting public, cultural, and health needs; Job creation; Cooperation across sectors and contribution to the bigger value chain; Develop HR and new skills; Ethical character;
Creating Environmental Value Go-Green Initiatives Compost waste re-use as an alternative fertilizer to chemical options. Harnessing the solar power - reduce energy consumption, thus, less pollution. Water scarcity- mushroom does not require as much water as other traditional crops.
Regulatory Challenges Movement restriction and border regulations; Unavailability of public sector subsidies; Unsatisfactory Custom Police and Consumer Protection Departments performance; Bureaucratic Governmental Procedures; Restrictive taxation structure; Jhgfhjgfhh jnhjgfhn Mhmfgjhg Hkjhkjhkjhkjh
Operational Challenges Unavailability of up-to-date scientific readings and data on mushroom growing in Arabic; Sector foreignness to suppliers and contractors; Access to finance; Bringing in automation; Unfair and unethical competition; Access to raw materials- state autonomy;
Policy Recommendations To the Palestinian public, private, and civil-society institutions. Improve management process through decentralization of procedural activities; Enhance state control over market inputs through: Empowering custom police; Investing in Customer protection department role as market mediator; Initiate national awareness towards local products and violations.
Policy Recommendations To the Palestinian public, private, and civil-society institutions, cont. Provide subsidy to innovative ideas and projects by: Directing and coordinating donor effort Tax exemption and fast tax refunds Fees exemptions for governmental services Investing in R&D in partnership with private sector and civil society institutions.
Policy Recommendations To the international community Empower state institutions; Revise Paris protocol- hold Israel accountable for biased treatment and obstructions. Adopt the principle of reciprocity with Israel- in our case EU originated products are being discriminated against.
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