Heat Transfer and Molecular Motion Energy Vocabulary 2.4 Advanced/Chastain 2017 8P2D Heat Transfer and Molecular Motion
Thermal energy The total amount of kinetic energy from the moving particles inside a piece of matter. The faster the particles move, the warmer the matter can get.
Molecular Motion All molecules are in constant motion. Molecules of a liquid have more freedom of movement than those in a solid. Molecules in a gas have the greatest degree of motion. Heat, temperature, and the motion of molecules are all related.
Heat always transfers from hot to cold. Heat transfer Thermal energy being moved from one object to another via conduction, convection, or radiation. Important Tip! Heat always transfers from hot to cold.
Conduction Transfer of thermal energy that occurs in solids, liquids, and gases when two substances of different temperatures touch.
Conduction https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ry8yXhCxclA
Convection Transfer of thermal energy through circular motion caused by heating and cooling in fluids (liquids and gases).
Convection https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mUU69ParFM
Radiation The transfer of energy through matter or space as electromagnetic waves, such as visible light and infrared waves.
Radiation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5GoZZKcNZiQ
Atom Collision The result of two or more atoms striking each other and the release or absorption of energy.
https://app.acceleratelearning.com/scopes/10670/elements/548177 Thermodynamics https://app.acceleratelearning.com/scopes/10670/elements/548177