Recording the Attributes of Series MARC21 in NACO RDA Series Authority Records Welcome back, everyone. In this module, we are going to continue talking about all of those attributes. But now we are going to look at how the identifying attributes are recorded in our MARC authority records. Module 3a
Attribute: Title of Work Recorded in 670 field representing form(s) found on titles Recorded in 1XX field in form of Authorized Access Point Earlier or later titles of the work are also recorded in the 670 field (not in the 675 field) Variant Access Points representing unauthorized forms of the title are recorded in 4XX fields As mentioned in the earlier NAR training, the fundamentals of the old fields are much the same. The attribute Title of work, for instance, is recorded in fields we are accustomed to using: the 1XX, 4XX, 5XX, 670 fields. The Title of the Work is: Recorded in 670 field representing form(s) found on titles Recorded in 1XX field in form of Authorized Access Point Earlier or later titles of the work are also recorded in the 670 field (not in the 675 field) Variant Access Points representing unauthorized forms of the title are recorded in 4XX fields The change in the scope of the 670 field and the 675 field is an important one. You might want to go to the MARC Authority documentation to read the field descriptions. Essentially the 670 now records information found related in some manner to the entity represented by the authority record or related entities. And the 675 will record sources in which no information is found related in any manner to the entity represented by the authority record or related entities. For series, this means that earlier and later titles are now recorded in 5XX and 670 fields (rather than 5XXs and 675s). The MARC21 Format for Authorities in Cataloger’s Desktop has examples illustrating this new practice. Another point to remember is that the October 2012 DCM Z1 update states that 670s MUST be used to support information used as part of a heading in 1XX and 4XX fields. (LC/PCC practice for subfield $u and subfield $v provided in the 046 field.) This is really an acknowledgement that the function of the 670 is unchanged. From DCM Z1 the first function of the 670 is: To supply information, from bibliographic, and at times non-bibliographic sources (e.g., phone calls, letters, Web sites), in support of the choice and form of the heading and references.
667 field and Title of Work 130 _0 $a Langues et langage (Aix-en- Provence, France) 430 _0 $a Collection du Cercle linguistique d'Aix-en-Provence 667 _ _ $a Subtitle: Collection du Cercle linguistique d'Aix-en-Provence The 667 will still be used as a Nonpublic General Note, with a common usage being to record a subtitle that could be thought to be a series of its own or part of the Authorized Access Point as in this example.
Attributes: Identifier for the Work and Identifier for the Expression RDA 6.8 and 6.13 010 - Library of Congress Control Number (NR) (LCCN is system assigned) Example: 010 n 86727495 Let’s look at the Identifier as an attribute in the MARC record now. Remember that we want to include the assigning agency along with the unique identifying character string. The 010 is the most commonplace Identifier we will use. The LCCN, though, is system assigned, so we take what is given to us. After all, the field is defined as relating to the Library of Congress, so it doesn’t need any specific mention made in a $2. This example is the LCCN for the series “Occasional papers in biology,” and it is an example of a unique character string used to identify the series. But, there are other options as well.
016 - National Bibliographic Agency Control Number (R) First indicator blank - Library and Archives Canada First indicator 7 - Source specified in subfield $2 LC GUIDELINES - Field 016 may be supplied only by national bibliographic agencies. Other NACO participants should not supply, update, or delete this field when found in Name/Series authority records Another Identifier Attribute is the National Bibliographic Agency Control Number. The 016 is for unique numbers that have been assigned to a record/work by a national bibliographic agency other than the Library of Congress. In fact, most participants will not enter this field at all. The LC GUIDELINES tells us Field 016 may be supplied only by national bibliographic agencies. Other NACO participants should not supply, update, or delete this field when found in Name/Series authority records However, if the Agency is the Library and Archives of Canada, then they will leave both indicators blank. And if the Agency is something else, then they will use a seven in the first indicator. That indicates that the Agency will be specified in the source subfield two. There is a MARC Code List for Organizations you can search to find the agency code.
Library and Archive of Canada: Example The screen shots here show the Series Title, indication of 33 expressions within the series, and the unique character string which identifies this series. So, the attribute would be entered with blank indicators because it is from the Library and Archive of Canada. 016 _ _ $a R13134843F
Here is an 016 Identifier Attribute example for which we will need to indicate the source in the $2. In this snapshot of the National Library of France catalog, you can see the title of the series – Publications … and the unique character string. A search for the Bibliothèque nationale de France in the MARC Code List for Organizations tells us that the code to use is FR-PaBFM, normalized frpabfm. This example, then, requires both First Indicator 7 and Source $2. 016 7_ $a FRBNF34234499 $2 frpabfm
024 - Other Standard Identifier (R) Cannot be accommodated in another field First Indicators 7 – Source specified in $2 8 – Unspecified MARC tells us that these are unique, permanent and internationally recognized alphanumeric codes used to identify works and expressions. Examples: ISTC, ISWC and ISAN The MARC 024 field is for those identifiers which cannot be accommodated in another field. We have two first indicator choices: 7 – Source specified in $2 and 8 – Unspecified MARC tells us that these are unique, permanent and internationally recognized alphanumeric codes used to identify works and expressions. In other words, there is nothing casual or haphazard about them. Examples include the ISTC (International Standard Text Code), the ISWC (International Standard Musical Work Code) and the ISAN (International Standard Audiovisual Number).
022 – ISSN and ISSN-L Not a good RDA/FRBR fit Manifestation identifier Well known and used in the past to identify series Documentation in MARC and DCM Z1 Task Group Recommendation: Continue to enter the ISSN As we mentioned in Module 2, the 022 field which we have used for the ISSN doesn’t really fit well with FRBR and RDA. Regina Reynolds, Head of the ISSN Publisher Liaison Section and Director, U.S. ISSN Center at the Library of Congress explains it this way. “ISSN-L is a device that groups manifestations of a serial together regardless of their media type. ISSN-L is deliberately not mentioned in RDA because it does not fit the RDA/FRBR model. There may be some attempt to remedy this in future, but it is a complex issue.” So, for the time being, this series training task group expects that we will continue to use the ISSN, as it is still helpful in an identification role.
678: Attribute: History of Work 678 - Biographical or Historical Data (R) 678 _ _ $a Published monthly. The 678 field has been revived for recording Biographical or Historical Data as a public note. In the case of series, then, it can be used to create a public note about the History of the Work. You start with the $a field, and can use the $b to expand the historical data if needed. This is a very simple example, but note that it is not in cataloger-speak (Pub. Monthly), but a clear, concise statement that the public can understand. The 678 has a broad scope. It can bring together information from a number of other fields into one coherent whole.
Example from RDA 678 _ _ $a Numbers 1–24 of the Manuscript report series were issued from 1964–1972 by Canada’s Marine Sciences Branch. Numbers 25–54 were issued from 1972–1979 by the Marine Sciences Directorate. Since 1980, numbers 55 and on have been issued by the Marine Sciences and Information Directorate. Here we have a more detailed example of the History of a Work. Full sentences are used because this is a public note. Let’s stop for a break here before continuing with the MARC fields for attributes.