Geography Terms & Concepts
Globe is more accurate than a map. Why? Maps and Globes Globe is more accurate than a map. Why? Map projections: Mercator and Robinson Projections (all distort shapes) Which is more accurate?
Mercator Projection Robinson Projection
Latitude & Longitude Lines of latitude run east and west; measure north and south (lat=flat) Lines of longitude run north & south; measure east & west Prime Meridian: line of longitude; 0 degrees Equator: line of latitude; 0 degrees
Hinge Question Why do we use a grid system? Why do we hae a Prime Meridian and an Equator>?
Lines of Latitude Lines of Longitude
Political vs. Physical Maps Political Maps: show lines defining countries, states, and/or territories Physical Maps: show a graphic representation of the Earth's contours and the main features of the earth's surface
Five Themes of Geography Location Place Region Movement Human-Environment Interaction
Location Absolute Location: Exact spot on Earth where a place can be found Can be found with Lines of Latitude and Longitude Relative location: Relation of one place with regard to other places
Place Distinct Physical Features (climate, landforms, etc.) Human Characteristics (cities, government, traditions) Places constantly change
Region A group of places that have similar characteristics (physical or human)
Movement People, goods, or ideas moving from one place or another. What are some examples of movement? Migration: Moving from one place to another Why might people migrate?
Human-Environment Interaction Humans can adapt to their surroundings. How can humans harm the environment?