NF Reading Monday, 12.4.17 – Friday, 12.8.17
Walk in work Have out: JR Book Notebook Pencil or Pen Do Now: Next 15-20 minutes Turn in your bookmarks & minute check if Abs. Friday Read your JR Book & think about: Who are the Characters, what are their conflicts, and what possible theme(s) is the author exploring? Take notes: On a spider-map On a t-chart On post-its We will get into our groups after independent reading.
Group Research Project You will be in charge of being the expert on 2 articles for your group There will groups of 3-4 people You will write an informational (pro and con) presentation and present it to the class. You then will choose what side you agree with (the pro or con) and write an argument paper.
5th period Group topic Group Members Conservation of Natural Resources Keilani B. Elizabeth C. Sadie Self-Driving Cars Olivia B. Rutger C. Jake Screen and Media A. Eli B. Mateusz C. Ivey A. Wendy B. Katye C. Simone Robots Dan B. Stephanie C. Anna Cloning A. Danna B. Vivian C. Jolan 2. A. Christian, B. Tiffany, C. Chandler Hacking Tobias B. Brian C. Jackson Genetic Editing Kaylee B. Angela C. Natalie Space Exploration Ta’mya B. Ajani C. Sarah Drones Brayden B. Martin C. Matt 5th period
5th period Conservation of Natural Resources Group topic Group Members Conservation of Natural Resources A. Maggie B. Ella C. Diana A. Chris B. Jared C. Ho’aka Self-Driving Cars Tyler B. Andrew C. Laura D. Amina Screen and Media Savannah, B. Sofia C. Sierra Robots Orion b. Lilliia c. Natalie Cloning Miguel B. Jonah C. Ethan Hacking Daniel Z B. Taliyah C. Romeo Genetic Editing Anthony B. Dylan C. Elliott Drones Eddie B. Daniel N C. Alex F D. Alex B 5th period
Group contract As a group come with 3 things that you want each other to live by in your group. Write these on your next reading page labeled Group Contract List these statements as positives i.e Don’t get behind in your work (negative ) Keep up with assigned reading and assignments (positive ) Then list one personal goal you have for yourself around one of these skills: Speaking in front of the class Reading non-fiction Writing a presentation
NF Reading Moves: PURPOSE: Powerful readers comprehend a new non-fiction text by first surveying the text and then adding annotations by paraphrasing or sketching chunks.
NF Reading Zone: class Animal Testing Article Behavior Expectations: Eyes focused on YOUR article Voices off / silent Persevere and complete all steps for the whole article Surveying the Text: 1st Read What does it seem like this text is mostly about? Look at topic sentences Look at photos Look at charts What idea(s) do all these parts point to? Read the text carefully with that central idea in mind Reflect & Revise: What was it really about? Annotate by Paraphrasing Chunks: 2nd Read Stop after every paragraph or short section: What’s most important in this part? Say it in your own words OR a sketch Write / Draw in the margins & keep reading At the end, look over your notes: What is the WHOLE article about? Craft a claim statement regarding central idea
In your group: Everybody Shares as an Expert on their article Rehearse what the article you read is mostly about & what the author’s point seems to be. Does this article seem to be: pro (for), con (against), or neutral towards your topic? What do you know now about your controversial scientific issue that you didn’t know before?
Monday, 12.4.17 Have out: Do Now: Next 15-20 minutes JR Book Notebook Pencil or Pen Do Now: Next 15-20 minutes Turn in your bookmarks & minute check if Abs. Friday Read your JR Book & think about: Who are the Characters, what are their conflicts, and what possible theme(s) is the author exploring? Take notes: On a spider-map On a t-chart On post-its
Groups: A, B, C, & D people