Group RRSP and Defined Contribution Pension Plan for Employees of Chicken Farmers of Canada Hello. In cooperation with your employer, Desjardins Financial Security is pleased to work with you as the service provider for your new (type of plan), which offers you the opportunity to optimize your savings and plan for this important stage of your life. I'd like to welcome you to this presentation, which will introduce you to the Setting Sail for the Future retirement education and financial planning program and help you make informed decisions regarding your retirement and your investments. It will also provide you with the necessary information to help you enrol in your new retirement plan. November 2010
Agenda Changes Plan Highlights Your Investor Profile and Your Investment Choices Tools at Your Disposal Next Steps
Overview of the Changes
Change in Service Provider December 1, 2010 New Service Provider
The Desjardins Group Part of an integrated financial group at a glance Company Size Assets $ 157.2 B Employees 42,000 Members 6,000,000 Credit Ratings S&P AA- Moody’s Aa1 DBRS AA Desjardins Group Desjardins Securities Desjardins Venture Capital Desjardins Financial Security Desjardins General Insurance Group Desjardins Asset Management
Change to the Plan Structure Prior to December 1, 2010 As of December 1, 2010 Employee contributions Employer contributions Employee contributions Employer contributions DC Pension Plan Defined Contribution Pension Plan Group RRSP Assets will be transferred to the new DC plan 6 6
Plan Highlights
Plan Highlights Group RRSP DC Pension Plan Eligibility After 6 months of continuous service Participation Compulsory Vesting Immediate After 2 years of plan participation (Ontario leg.) Locking-in No Refer participants to the "Plan Highlights" document included in their enrolment kit. 8
Your Investment Choices Your Investor Profile and Your Investment Choices
Employee Contributions (Group RRSP) Plan Highlights Employee Contributions (Group RRSP) Required contributions (current employees) Years of Service 0.5 to 10 10 to 20 20 + Contribution 6% of salary 7% of salary 8% of salary Required contributions (new employees) 0.5 to 2 2 to 5 5 to 10 4% of salary 5% of salary Voluntary contributions Your choice Refer participants to the "Plan Highlights" document included in their enrolment kit. 10
Employer Contributions (DC Pension Plan) Plan Highlights Employer Contributions (DC Pension Plan) Required contributions (current employees) Years of Service 0.5 to 10 10 to 20 20 + Contribution 6% of salary 7% of salary 8% of salary Required contributions (new employees) 0.5 to 2 2 to 5 5 to 10 4% of salary 5% of salary Refer participants to the "Plan Highlights" document included in their enrolment kit. 11
Plan Highlights Group RRSP DC Pension Plan Maximum contributions Subject to your personal RRSP limit on your Notice of Assessment 18% of salary up to fixed dollar amount ($22,450 in 2010) Pension Adjustment RRSP room is reduced by PA from previous year PA equal to total contributions Transfers-in Permitted Not permitted In-service withdrawals Not permitted, except for HBP, LLP and voluntary contributions Not permitted, except for voluntary contributions Refer participants to the "Plan Highlights" document included in their enrolment kit. 12
Plan Highlights Group RRSP DC Pension Plan Retirement Annuity, RRIF Annuity, LIF Termination Transfer to RRSP Transfer to LIRA Death Payable to your designated beneficiary Payable to your spouse. If there is no spouse, payable to your designated beneficiary. Refer participants to the "Plan Highlights" document included in their enrolment kit. 13
Advantages of your Plan Employer contributions Immediate tax savings Tax-deferred growth No sales charges Lower fees Management fee: 0.40% Investment fees: 0.12% to 1.15% Your employer offers you an excellent plan to help you save for your retirement. These are some of the advantages of the plan… To explain the advantage of payroll deductions, click on the link that will bring you to slide 29, where you will find an example that illustrates the immediate tax savings made by a participant that contributes to a group pension plan.
Your Investor Profile and Your Investment Choices A three-step approach: Fill out the questionnaire Determine your investor profile Choose your investments
Identify your risk tolerance Determine Your Investor Profile Identify your risk tolerance Secure Moderate Balanced Growth Energetic Speculative
Choose Your Investments Based on your investor profile… Option 1: Select a lifecycle path 3 lifecycle paths available Based on your age and your investor profile Automatic evolution of portfolio over time Option 2: Choose your own combination of funds 6 multi-management funds or build your own portfolio Requires more investment knowledge and regular monitoring As per a study done in june 2005, 80% of our participants are invested in the portfolios. People spend more time planning their annual trip than planning their retirement. or Default fund: Money Market Fund
Option 1: Select a Lifecycle Path Your path towards retirement Secure Path Your age Your investor profile As you approach retirement, the asset mix becomes progressively more conservative
Advantages of Lifecycle Paths Expertise of professional investment managers Investment strategy adapted to your investor profile and your investment horizon Automated evolution of your investment portfolio as you approach retirement Peace of mind 19 19
Option 2: Select Your Own Combination of Funds Investor Profile Asset Allocation Recommended Asset Allocation Secure Growth Moderate Energetic Balanced Speculative The second approach involves selecting your own combination of funds. This method requires a bit more investment knowledge. From the asset mix recommended for your investor profile, you can build your own portfolio from the selection of funds offered by your plan. You'll be responsible for monitoring your mix to ensure that it always corresponds to your investor profile as you age or your circumstances change. For example, if you have a growth profile, it is recommended that you invest 35% of your savings in fixed income funds, 25 to 50% in Canadian equity funds, and 15 to 40% in foreign equity funds.
Option 2: Build Your Own Portfolio CATEGORY INVESTMENT FUND VOLATILITY Balanced Funds Beutel Goodman Balanced Jarislowsky Fraser Balanced Moderate Fixed Income Funds Money Market (Fiera) BlackRock Universe Bond Index Ethical Income Bond (Fiera) Low Canadian Equity Funds Canadian Equity Dividend (Fiera) Jarislowsky Fraser Canadian Equity GE Canadian Equity Canadian Equity GARP (Fiera) Montrusco Bolton Canadian Small Cap Equity Moderate+ High+ U.S. Equity Funds BlackRock US Equity Index McLean Budden American Equity High International Equity Funds Sprucegrove International Equity BlackRock MSCI EAFE Equity Index Baillie Gifford International Equity Global Equity Funds Sprucegrove Global Equity Alternative Investments DGAM Emerging Markets
Option 2: Select a Multi-Management Fund ASSET MIX PROFILE Multi-Management 20/80 Fund 20% equity / 80% fixed income Secure Multi-Management 35/65 Fund 35% equity / 65% fixed income Moderate Multi-Management 50/50 Fund 50% equity / 50% fixed income Balanced Multi-Management 65/35 Fund 65% equity / 35% fixed income Growth Multi-Management 80/20 Fund 80% equity / 20% fixed income Energetic Multi-Management 100 Fund 100% equity Speculative
Fund Information – Before you make your investment decisions, you should get to know your funds. [click] For more information about the funds, you can go to our website,, and [click] click on Group Retirement Savings in the second column, then [click] click on Fund Management Services.
Different Types of Funds Foreign Equity Funds Canadian Equity Funds Return Balanced Funds Fixed Income Funds Risk
Compound Annual Return Market History (Jan 1950 to June 2009) Compound Annual Return U.S. stocks (equities) 11.0 % $ 485 Canadian stocks (equities) 10.1 % $ 300 Canadian bonds (fixed income) 7.4 % 5-year GICs 7.0 % Canadian inflation 3.8 % $ 71 $ 9 $ 1 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 Source: Morningstar, Inc. All values are represented in CAD. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Hypothetical value of $1 invested at the beginning of 1940. Assumes reinvestment of income and no transaction costs or taxes. This image is for illustrative purposes only and not indicative of any investment. An investment cannot be made directly in an index.
The impact of a market downturn is temporary if you stay invested! Invest for the Long Term The impact of a market downturn is temporary if you stay invested! For your retirement, focus on long-term returns
Tools at Your Disposal
Setting Sail for the Future Enrolment Kit
Client Contact Centre Service with a human touch Specialized agents Transactional services Changes to your plan Assistance on choice of investments We offer you a wide variety of informational and transactional services. Through our Setting Sail for the Future Phone line, our specialized agents offer you guidance and support in planning your retirement. They are available for you Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. You can contact one of our agents to: change your investments mix and transfer sums between investment options change your personal information in your file determine your investor profile obtain forms and assistance on how to complete them obtain a User ID and password to access our secure web site Show participants the call centre card included in their enrolment kit which they can refer to should they need assistance.
Participant Services Web Site Complete array of dynamic tools to help you plan your retirement Simple and complete transactional services Information on your account Changes to your plan
On Target Retirement Your Personalized Goal Tracker Tool Current Personal Situation Keep track of the gap between your income projection and your income target To register you will need to: Login to the Participant Services Web site by using your User Identification and password Answer the three questions on the site's home page Confirm or determine your investor profile
On Target Retirement Your Personalized Goal Tracker Tool Create your own retirement scenarios Compare your retirement target income and your income projection and make the necessary adjustments to reach your goal
Participant Statement Account summary Asset allocation Investment instructions Personalized rate of return Available online
Next Steps
Next Steps Read through your Setting Sail for the Future kit Determine your investor profile and make your investment choices Complete the RRSP and DC Plan Enrolment Forms Return your forms to HR services before November 22, 2010
Questions? Thank you for your time. I hope this presentation has provided you with the necessary information to help you make informed decisions regarding your retirement and your investments. Have a safe trip and a great retirement!
Plan Highlights Group RRSP DC Pension Plan Eligibility After 6 months of continuous service Participation Compulsory Vesting Immediate Ontario pension legislation Locking-in No Refer participants to the "Plan Highlights" document included in their enrolment kit. 37