Upcoming, Important Dates: 12/14/2017 Upcoming, Important Dates: Add these dates to your agenda, as they apply to you: THIS WEEK: Fri. (12/15) – PTSA Holiday Dance – 4:30-6:00 Sat. (12/09) – Saturday School Tutoring NEXT WEEK (and beyond): Tue. (12/19) – Early Release Wed. (12/20) – Early Release Thur. (12/21/17 – 01/03/18) – Holiday Break Thur. (01/04/18) – Students Return to School If you are not eating, you must read something of your choice. HOMEROOM = SILENCE
Language Arts – Warm Up 12/14/17 Proper and Common Nouns Finish the remaining pages of your packet from yesterday. Use the tips below to help you. Proper nouns are capitalized. They name a special person, place or thing. Examples: Walgreens, Floyd Middle School, Peter Pan. Common nouns are not capitalized. They name a common person, place or thing. Examples: dogs, stores, desks If you do not finish the packet in class, you must finish it for homework! ALL WORK (LATE OR NOT) IS DUE TOMORROW!
Language Arts – Work Session 12/14/17 Essential Questions: How can talking and working with others help one analyze a novel? How do internal and external forces help people grow? Standard: ELASE6RL3 – Describe how a particular story’s or drama’s plot unfolds in a series of episodes as well as how the characters respond or change as the plot moves toward a resolution. Learning Targets: Define the concept of change through the reading of a narrative. Apply understanding of narrative elements to reading and writing.
Language Arts – Work Session 12/14/17 Nouns Games You will work with a group to create a game based on nouns. There are templates to help you create your games. You must: Create a game based on nouns – common, proper, use of nouns, and/or pronouns; Include the instructions and answers for your game; Prepare the game so that other students may play it at the end of class tomorrow; Finish creating the game by the end of tomorrow’s work session. Ask me for construction paper or other pieces you may need to create your game. You never know-I just may have something that works!
Language Arts – Closing Session 12/14/17 Independent Reading You should be on your FIFTH book of this school year, at least. Your next Biblionasium book review will be due Friday, January 26, 2018. Be sure that you have completed your book before Friday, January 26, 2018! Homework: Finish your noun packet. It’s due tomorrow, along with all other work (late or not)!