CVG Global Phased PPAP Process Training Sessions
Agenda Global Phased PPAP Process Intro to Phased PPAP Review of the Four Phases Capacity Verification Warrant Approval and Exception Management R@R, Customer Feed Back, Management Process Review Online Containment Plan & PSW Deviations – PD Launch Manager / Program Management
Global Phased PPAP Process Corporate Quality Development Center Global Phased PPAP Process Module 1: Introduction to Phased PPAP Supplier Quality/Quality Requirements
PPAP = Production Part Approval Process What is Phased PPAP? PPAP = Production Part Approval Process Phased PPAP is CVG’s approach PPAP process management Introduced to improve upon launch performance Requires a supplier/assembly site to demonstrate Manufacturing capability Product quality And production capacity …prior to job #1
Global Phased PPAP Process Training Course Structure This course is divided into five modules. Introduction to Phased PPAP The Four Phases Capacity Verification Analysis Global Phased PPAP Process Training Warrant Approval & Exception Management R@R, Customer Feed Back and Management Process Review
Phased PPAP Benefits Phased PPAP will assist both CVG and suppliers By dividing PPAP activities into manageable segments By providing a structured approach aligned to process By providing earlier information about part and program readiness By providing a robust mechanism to demonstrate supplier capability
Acronym List SQ\QE = Supplier Quality\Quality Engineering PPAP = Production Part Approval Process PSW = PPAP Submission Warrant TACT = Total Actual Cycle Time TAKT = Total Cycle Time for One Part/Assembly EOL = End of Line DPV = Daily Production Volume CPV = Capacity Planning Volume IPD = In Plant Date (to a program build event) 1PP = 1st Production Part units FEU = Field Evaluation Units (at customer plant) AIAG = Automotive Industry Action Group
How does PPAP Compare to Phased PPAP? Regional interpretation and application One-time event Limited transparency Does not include Run-at-Rate evaluation or Capacity Verification Not consistently applied Early required events drove off-standard production processes Current Phased PPAP Globally developed and deployed Events align with program build events Improve awareness of manufacturing capability and production capacity Robust initial Run-at-Rate and Capacity Verification Analysis Increased structure improves consistency through enhanced granularity of process Starting Date PPAP Phased PPAP Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 X 1 PP FEU Job 1
PPAP/Phased PPAP Comparison Current Phased PPAP Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Starting Date X 1 PP FEU Job 1 Phased PPAP organizes the process into four phases Phase 1: Design and Quote Phase 2: Quality Verification Phase 3: Production Verification Phase 4: Capacity Verification Phase 5: Customer Feedback / Management Review
Global Phased PPAP Process CVG Quality Development Center Global Phased PPAP Process Module 2: The Four Phases & Supplier Quality/Quality Engineering/ Warrant Approval
The PPAP Requirements Design Records Engineering Change Documents Engineering Approval Design FMEA Process Flow Diagrams Process FMEA Control Plans Measurement System Analysis Studies Dimensional Results Records of Material / Performance Test Results Initial Process Studies Qualified Laboratory Documentation Appearance Approval Report Sample Production Parts Master Sample Checking Aids Customer-Specific Requirements Production Part Approval Process Submission Warrant (PSW) Bulk Material is the 19th requirement in the 4rd edition PPAP manual. The numbers above do not necessarily align to the AIAG PPAP requirements.
Supplier Phased PPAP Process Map (As shown in the Phased PPAP Handbook) STATUS: Phase 2 Completed Warrant [#18] Yes Status Tracking Database 2 3 4 Proceed to next page Submit to Customer Important note: Phase 2 and Phase 3 can happen concurrently if all Inputs and Outputs are satisfied No INPUTS Released design [#1,2,3 & 4] Trained supplier production operators Sub-supplier(s) material status from Tier-x R@R Job 1 Location (final site & line) Quantity of parts required as defined by customer (default 300 consecutive parts) Production process including control plan, flow diagram instructions & Process parameters [#5,6 & 7] Tools, Facilities & Gauging [#8,16 & 17] EVENT: Conduct Run at Rate Planned cycle times required to support Daily Volume Outputs from the event Phase 0 Implement Corrective Action on Input Was the Pre-Launch Control Plan followed? Were the prescribed number of acceptable parts produced? parts produced in the defined period? Did all operations meet their planned cycle time ? Are the Run@Rate input requirements in place for the production stream? START Capacity Analysis Worksheet 1 Required Inputs Note: [#x] refers to the Element Number in PPAP 4th Edition that will assist in confirming requirements Phase 1 Continue Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) using parts from Phase 0 - Dimensional measurements [#9] - Material Tests [#10] - Statistical process package [#11] - Performance Tests [#12] - Appearance criteria [#13] - Sample parts [#14] - Master samples [#15] - Customer Specific Requirements[#17] - as defined by PPAP Have the PPAP elements been satisfied? For suppliers with only one production stream completion of Phase 1 & 2 occur at the same time Return to Phase 0 for corrective action Scheduled down time defined (TPM, change over, Breaks etc.) Sub supplier Phase 3 Conduct Verification Run Quantity required is customer DPV for one full day All personnel for all shifts, trained CVR input for all production streams? END affected phase and start corrective action & Capacity Report Determine Root Cause & Plan Corrective Action control plan followed & acceptable parts Did the volume of acceptable parts produced meet or exceed the required DPV? Design/Quote Quality Verification Production Verification Phase 4 Capacity Verification 1 - Design Records 2 - Engineering Change Documents 3 – Customer Engineering Approval 4 - Design FMEA 5 - Process Flow Diagrams 6 - Process FMEA 7 - Control Plans 8 - Measurement System Analysis Studies 16 - Checking Aids 17 - Customer-Specific Requirements 9 - Dimensional Results 10 - Records of Material / Performance Test Results 11 - Initial Process Studies 12 - Qualified Laboratory Documentation 13 - Appearance Approval Report 14 - Sample Production Parts 15 - Master Sample 18 - PPAP Warrant PPAP Warrant (element 18) Run-at-Rate for all production streams (element 1 – 8, 16, 17) Quality Verification for all production streams (element 9 – 15) Capacity Analysis Report Have Run-at-Rates (Phase 0) been conducted and Quality Verifications (Phase 1) been satisfied for ALL production streams?
Building on the Basics: Phase 1 Phase 1 must be complete prior to Phase 2 INPUTS Released design [#1,2,3 & 4] Trained supplier production operators Sub-supplier(s) material status from Tier-x R@R Job 1 Location (final site & line) Quantity of parts required as defined by customer (default 300 consecutive parts) Production process including control plan, flow diagram instructions & Process parameters [#5,6 & 7] Tools, Facilities & Gauging [#8,16 & 17] EVENT: Conduct Run at Rate Planned cycle times required to support Daily Volume Outputs from the event STATUS: Phase 0 Completed Implement Corrective Action on Input Was the Pre-Launch Control Plan followed? Were the prescribed number of acceptable parts produced? parts produced in the defined period? Did all operations meet their planned cycle time ? Yes No Are the Run@Rate input requirements in place for the production stream? START Capacity Analysis Worksheet Status Tracking Database 1 4 Proceed to next page Required Inputs Submit to Customer Note: [#x] refers to the Element Number in PPAP 4th Edition that will assist in confirming requirements Phase 1 Design/Quote 1 - Design Records 2 - Engineering Change Documents 3 – Customer Engineering Approval 4 - Design FMEA 5 - Process Flow Diagrams 6 - Process FMEA 7 - Control Plans 8 - Measurement System Analysis Studies 16 - Checking Aids 17 - Customer-Specific Requirements Capacity Analysis Report APQP #2 Open Project / Request Form Project Category Determination Matrix Project Definition Team Feasibility and Risk Assessment Project Time Line Open Issues Customer Documentation/Requirements Supplier Quotes Make vs Buy Cost Summary Impact Team Recommendation Phase 1 Exit Review and Approval Quote to Customer.
Design/Quote (Phase 1)… Required Inputs to begin are: Released design Trained production operators Job 1 location – Assembly site and line Production process – control plan, flow diagram, instructions, Production tools, facilities and gaging Minimum of one production stream and shift Tier ‘X’ material successful completion of Phase 1 Planned production cycle time supports the customer daily production volume (DPV) Quantity of parts as defined by customer (default ??? parts)
Phase 0 must be complete prior to Phase 2 Phase 1: Run-At-Rate Phase 0 must be complete prior to Phase 2 Start Released Design [#1, 2, 3, 4] Trained supplier production operators Sub-supplier(s) material status from Tier-X Run-at-Rate Quantity of parts required as defined by customer (default ??? consecutive parts) Job 1 location (final site and line) Production process including control plan, flow diagram instructions, and Process Parameters [#5, 6, 7] Production tools, facilities, and gauging [#8, 16, 17] Planned production cycle times required to support daily production volume Are the Run-at-Rate input requirements in place for the production stream? Was the pre-launch Control Plan followed? Were the prescribed number of acceptable parts produced? Were the parts produced in the defined period? Did all operations meet their planned cycle time? Implement corrective action on input EVENT: Conduct Run-at-Rate STATUS: Phase 1 Complete Capacity Analysis Report Status Tracking Database 4 2 YES NO Submit to customer Outputs from the event
Phase 2: Run-At-Rate Phase 1 must be complete prior to Phase 2 Tools z Run-at-Rate (Phase 1) successfully completion includes: Tools 80 sec. Op. 30 160 sec. Op. 10 Op. 20 40 sec. TACT Op. 10 Capacity Analysis Report Submission to SQ/QE 160 sec. Assembly Lines Op. 20 80 sec. EOL Testing Op. 30 40 sec. TACT Supplier Site Overall Equipment Effectiveness (0.85) pull Customer Plant Daily Production Volume: Qty. (???) vehicles planned TAKT sec. Basis for all external suppliers Basis for all JIT suppliers (Just-in-Time)
Building on the Basics: Phase 2 For Phase 1, Tier 1 and module suppliers must be complete by 1 week prior to 1PP IPDs: (2/7) for sheet metal (2/21) for all other Building on the Basics: Phase 2 Continue Production Part parts from Phase 0 Approval Process (PPAP) using - Dimensional measurements [#9] 1 - Statistical process package [#11] - Material Tests [#10] PPAP elements been Have the Yes STATUS: - Performance Tests [#12] satisfied? Completed Phase 1 3 - Sample parts [#14] - Appearance criteria [#13] - Master samples [#15] Proceed to next page - as defined by PPAP - Customer Specific Requirements[#17] No Phase 1 Warrant [#18] Submit to Customer Status Tracking Database Important note: For suppliers with only one Phase 1 & 2 occur at the same production stream completion of Return to time Phase 0 for corrective action Phase 2 Customer Contract-PO-Letter of Intent or Management Approval to Procee Kick Off Meeting Engineering Specifications Material Specifications Design Goals- Reviews- Continuous Improvement Identify Potentially Patentable Features (Submit) IDF if Required Management Review (all Legal Issues) Attorney DFMEAs DVP&R – Test Plans- Open Issues-Feasibility to Phase 3 Special Product & Process Characteristics Capitol Appropriation Request (long Lead Items) Material & Tooling Supplier Selection Tooling Design Review With Supplier Project Tooling Development Form Phase 2 exit Review and Approval 4 4 Phase 2 Quality Verification 9 - Dimensional Results 10 - Records of Material / Performance Test Results 11 - Initial Process Studies 12 - Qualified Laboratory Documentation 13 - Appearance Approval Report 14 - Sample Production Parts 15 - Master Sample 18 - PPAP Warrant
Quality Verification (Phase 2)… 1 week prior to 1PP IPDs: (2/7) for sheet metal (2/21) for all other Quality Verification (Phase 2)… Required inputs to begin Quality Verification are: Successful completion of Run-at-Rate (Phase 1) for at least one work stream Capacity Analysis Report completed for at least one Job1-intended production work stream Tier “X” successful completion of Phase 1 Verification of All Dimensions-SPC-Tests
Phase 2: Quality Verification 1 week prior to 1PP IPDs: (2/7) for sheet metal (2/21) for all other Phase 2: Quality Verification Continue Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) using parts from Phase 0 Dimensional measurements [#9] Material tests [#10] Statistical process package [#11] Performance tests [#12] Appearance criteria [#13] Sample parts [#14] Master samples [#15] Customer-specific requirements [#17] As defined by PPAP Have the PPAP elements been satisfied? STATUS: Phase 1 Complete YES 1 2 NO Phase 1 Warrant [#18] Submit to customer Status Tracking Database Important note: for suppliers with only one production stream, completion of Phase 1 & 2 occur at the same time. Return to Phase 1 for corrective action 4 4
Phase 2: Quality Verification Quality Verification: (Phase 2) Dimensional Measurements Ppk/Cpk Appearance Criteria Material and Performance Tests Sample Parts Master Samples Other Requirements (e.g. Test) CVG-Specific Tools 80 sec. Op. 30 160 sec. Op. 10 Op. 20 40 sec. TACT Op. 10 160 sec. RISK Assembly Lines Op. 20 RISK 80 sec. EOL Testing Op. 30 40 sec. TACT Supplier Site Overall Equipment Effectiveness (0.85) pull Samples Customer Plant Daily Production Volume: Qty. (???) vehicles planned TAKT sec. Basis for all external suppliers Basis for all JIT suppliers (Just-in-Time)
Supplier Submission for each Phase Supplier prepares the following documentation: Phase 1: Capacity Analysis Report is required but a Management Feasibility Review Report is required Phase 2, 3 and 4: PPAP Submission Warrant is required for each phase. Supplier includes supporting documentation (dimensional, process capability, PV test, gage, SPC, R&R, etc.) at each phase Note: Suppliers are responsible for sub-supplier (Tier-X) PPAP compliance and control of pass-through characteristics
SQ/QE Approval For PPAP Level 1: Supplier self-certifies Phased PPAP documentation and keeps on file for customer review as requested. For All Other PPAP Levels: Supplier submits Phased PPAP warrant and documentation to SQ/QE for review and approval. Supplier keeps signed copy of warrant and accompanying documentation on file.
Building on the Basics: Phase 3 STATUS: Phase 2 Completed Warrant [#18] Yes Status Tracking Database 2 3 4 Proceed to next page Submit to Customer Important note: Phase 2 and Phase 3 can happen concurrently if all Inputs and Outputs are satisfied No Phase 3 Production Verification PPAP Warrant (element 18) Run-at-Rate for all production streams (element 1 – 8, 16, 17) Quality Verification for all production streams (element 9 – 15) Have Run-at-Rates (Phase 0) been conducted and Quality Verifications (Phase 1) been satisfied for ALL production streams? Phase 3 Process Flow PFMEA Control Plan – Prototype Build Math Data and/or Engineering Drawings Prototype Build Prototype or Pre- Production Part Approval Prototype or Pre- Part Build / feed Back from Customer Gages / Testing / Equipment Requirements Packaging Specifications & Standards Product / Process Quality System Review Discuss Potentially Patentable Features, Forms, Legal Matters Manufacturing Floor Plan Process Capability Study Plan Verify EDI Capabilities with Customer Phase 3 Exit Review and Approval For Phase 3, Tier 1 and module suppliers must be complete 1 week prior to FEU IPDs: (4/4) for sheet metal (4/11) for all other
Production Verification (Phase 3)… Phase 2: 1 wk prior to FEU IPDs: 4/4 for sheet metal 4/11 for all other Required Inputs to begin Production Verification are: All Job 1 intended production work streams have successfully completed Run-at-Rate Capacity Analysis Reports completed for all Job 1 intended production work streams Tier ‘X’ successful completion of Phase 3 Management Review of all Phases
Phase 3: Production Verification Phase 3: 1 wk prior to FEU IPDs: (4/4) for sheet metal (4/11) for all other Have Run-at-Rates (Phase 0_ been conducted and Quality Verifications (Phase 1) been satisfied for ALL streams? STATUS: Phase 2 Complete YES 1 3 Phase 2 Warrant [#18] NO Submit to customer Status Tracking Database Important note: Phase 2 and Phase 3 can happen concurrently if all inputs and outputs are satisfied. 4
Phase 3: Production Verification Phase 3: 1 wk prior to FEU IPDs: (4/4) for sheet metal (4/11) for all other 40 sec. TACT Op. 30 160 sec. 80 sec. Op. 10 Op. 20 Production Verification: (Phase 3) Dimensional Measurements Ppk/Cpk Appearance Criteria Material and Performance Tests Sample Parts Master Samples Other Requirements (e.g. Tests) CVG-Specific Tools Assembly Lines EOL Testing Supplier Site Overall Equipment Effectiveness (0,85) pull Samples Customer Plant Daily Production Volume: Qty. (???) vehicles planned TAKT sec. Basis for all external suppliers Basis for all JIT suppliers (Just-in-Time)
Building on the Basics: Phase 4 Initiate Production Mfg.-Set-up New Part Numbers for Tooling and Raw Materials Production Tooling Bill of Materials Process Work Instructions Operator Training Verify Process Flow, Control Plan, PFMEA, for Final Review Process Capability Study Supplier PPAP’s Packaging Standards & Shipping Test Pilot Build Validation (Pre Production) PPAP-PSW’s AAR Boundary Samples, Fit Test- Validation update (DVPR), etc. Final Project Tooling Approval and Sign Off Phase 4 Exit Review and Approval Phase 2 Warrant Scheduled down time defined (TPM, change over, Breaks etc.) Sub supplier material status from Tier-x Phase 3 EVENT: Conduct Capacity Verification Run STATUS: Completed Quantity required is customer DPV for one full day All personnel for all shifts, trained Are the CVR input requirements in place for all production streams? Yes END Status Tracking Database Return to affected phase and start corrective action [#18] & Capacity Analysis Report Determine Root Cause & Plan Corrective Action Was the control plan followed & acceptable parts produced? Did the volume of acceptable parts produced meet or exceed the required DPV? No 3 Required Inputs Phase 0 Phase 1 Phase 4 Capacity Verification Capacity Analysis Report PPAP Warrant (element 18) For Phase 4, Tier 1 and module suppliers must be complete 4 weeks prior to Job#1 IPD (i.e. 4 weeks prior to System Fill IPD): (6/27) for all parts
Capacity Verification (Phase 4)… For Phase 4, Tier 1 and module suppliers must be complete 4 weeks prior to Job#1 IPD (i.e. 4 weeks prior to System Fill IPD): (6/27) for all parts Capacity Verification (Phase 4)… Required Inputs to begin Capacity Verification are: All personnel for all shifts trained Quantity required is customer DPV for one full day including all shifts consistent with supplier manufacturing operating pattern Phase 3 Warrant approved Scheduled downtime defined (Total Production Maintenance -TPM, changeover, breaks, etc.) Tier ‘X’ material successfully completed Phase 3
Phase 4: Capacity Verification For Phase 4, Tier 1 and module suppliers must be complete 4 weeks prior to Job#1 IPD (i.e. 4 weeks prior to System Fill IPD): (6/27) for all parts Phase 4: Capacity Verification 2 Are all personnel for all shifts trained? Quantity required is customer DPV for one full day Phase 3 Warrant Scheduled down-time defined (TPM, change-over, breaks, etc.) Sub-supplier material status from Tier ‘X’ Phase 4 Are the CVR input requirements in place for all production streams? Was the production control plan followed and acceptable parts produced? Did the volume of acceptable parts meet or exceed the required DPV? Determine root cause and plan corrective action EVENT: Conduct Capacity Verification Run STATUS: Phase 4 Complete Phase 3 Warrant [#18] & Capacity Analysis Report Status Tracking Database YES Submit to customer Outputs from the event NO End Return to affected phase and start corrective action Complete Capacity Analysis Worksheet Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4
The Capacity Analysis Status Composed of four main elements Capacity Analysis Report General information and background elements Shared production line information sheet Production data details The Capacity Analysis Report is used for Phase 1 (Run-at- Rate) and Phase 4 (Capacity Verification) to simplify usage
The Capacity Analysis Status, continued Suppliers are required to Follow all Phases For Phases 1 and 4 Run-at-Rate or Capacity Verification box must be checked to indicate report use Note: Production Verification (Phase 3) must be successfully completed before starting Phase 4
Run-at-Rate vs. Capacity Verification Run-at-Rate (Phase 1-4) Supplier will produce max. (??) consecutive parts TACT must reach process speed & feed to support prorated daily volume “Just in Time” suppliers use TAKT to calculate TACT TAKT Time = Actual Time Used to Make Parts/Shift = 34,020 sec = 54 sec Customer Requirements/Shift 630 pieces Note: TAKT is the time within which you should produce one part or product based on the rate of sales, to meet customer requirements.
Phase 4 Output… Capacity Verification (Phase 4) Supplier will run stated amount of parts If three shifts are planned, all three must work in sequence If lines or shifts are shared with other customers Total amount of produced parts must reflect the total daily production requirement of all customers TACT must reach process speed & feed to support complete daily volume requirements
The Capacity Analysis/R@R Report View a Capacity Analysis Report (course will pause)
Minimum Phased PPAP Assessment Requirements Other Information SQ/QE may review the supplier documentation at any time for any phase regardless of supplier submission level Deviation from minimum requirements requires SQ/QE management authorization Warrant review and SQ/QE decision is based on review of supporting documentation SQ/QE minimum requirements apply to vehicle and powertrain operations SQ/QE may override the PPAP status at any time
Other Information… Also… Suppliers with multiple production streams must complete Run-at-Rate for each stream prior to starting Phase 2 Phase 3 requires Suppliers to complete the Capacity Analysis Report in addition to the PPAP Submission Warrant Supplier is required to have all documentation available for SQ/QE review and approval as determined by the site PPAP level
Global Phased PPAP Process CVG Quality Development Center Global Phased PPAP Process Example: Molding of Interior Trim Part
Example: Interior Trim Molding, Scenario PPAP level 3 Supplier to produce an interior trim part 2 tools planned Part unloaded from press and placed on cooling belt Worker checks part before packaging Part design & drawing was released before tool 1 set-up Supplier is required to produce (??) parts per day
Example: Interior Trim Molding Phase 2-4 — Run-at-Rate Testing will begin as soon as Tool 1 is ready Production will run at intended machine TACT time required for part stability & quality All production parameters have been pre-identified Supplier will produce (??) parts And monitor parts produced and process using Capacity Analysis Report Quality will be checked via Production Control Plan Intended production flow chart is followed
Example: Interior Trim Molding Phase 2 — Quality Verification Supplier completes Quality Verification Requirements Phase 1 Submitted upon completion Phase 3 — Production Verification Supplier completes Run-at-Rate on the second tool Supplier completes Production Verification Requirements Phase 2 Submitted upon completion
Example: Interior Trim Molding Phase 4 — Capacity Verification Supplier will run both tools in parallel for one full day of production If production volume is acceptable, Phase 4 warrant is submitted Indicates full compliance with Phased PPAP
Example: Interior Trim Molding Summary Supplier tests compliance based on Phased PPAP process Appropriate warrants are submitted upon successful completion of each phase All phases are completed prior to Job 1 If the Supplier is able to produce CVG, DPV for this part (?? /day), a Phase 4 warrant is submitted All Phased PPAP requirements have been satisfied
Global Phased PPAP Process CVG Quality Development Center Global Phased PPAP Process Exception Management PM Part Process
CVG Quality Development Center
CVG Quality Development Center