Financing Chicago Floods Sephra Thomas GIS Final Presentation December 4, 2018
Objective Analyze intersection of flood risk with social vulnerability to justify a green bond package to retrofit low income homes in south Chicago as part of city flood mitigation
Method and Background Research National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration City of Chicago Data Portal U.S. Surface Climate Observing Reference Networks National Centers for Environmental Information/National Climatic Data Centers CMAP: Stormwater and Flooding Plan (2012) CNT: Prevalence and Cost of Urban Flooding (2014)
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Future Work Damage Mitigation-look at sewer and storm drainage and work with local engineers to value different solutions Optimize effects of solution on insurance claims and damage payouts Look into social and political viability of a green bond package to finance low-income, high flood risk areas “…76 percent of online survey respondents—had invested in measures to prevent future flooding, such as downspout disconnection and pumps, but only six percent believed that the investment had solved their flooding problems…” (CNT, “The Prevalence and Cost of Urban Flooding”, 2014)