MESOPOTAMIA & SUMER Background for The Epic of Gilgamesh (2150-2000 B.C.)
Mesopotamia (5000 B.C. – 250 B.C.) Mesopotamia is a place, literally meaning “between two rivers” (the Tigris and Euphrates) Today most of Mesopotamia falls within the borders of Iraq It’s often referred to as the “cradle of civilization” because society and culture possibly first emerged from this area, especially during the Bronze Age Bronze Age: 3200 B.C. – 1200 B.C. Several civilizations developed in Mesopotamia around this time period, starting with the Sumerians in 2900 B.C.
View of Ancient Mesopotamia (locate the two rivers)
What defines civilization in your opinion? Sumer Sumer (2900 B.C.) - is thought to be one of the first known “major” civilizations in recorded history What defines civilization in your opinion?
Possibilities for “marks of civilization” 1. Urban society: Living together in communities. 2. Religion: Beliefs that provide answers to tough questions. 3. Government: Having a set of rules and leaders. 4. Specialization: Using unique skills to benefit all. 5. Commerce: Ability to buys and sell goods with currency 6. Social classes: Groups of people with commonalities. 7. Tool-making: The ability to problem-solve with tools. 8. Concept of time: Understanding of patterns like the seasons, sunrise and sunset, tides or even in the heavens. 9. Leisure: Recognizing value in the arts and entertainment. 10. Education: Striving to improve as an individual or culture. 11. Literacy: The ability to read and write.
The world’s first known writing: Cuneiform (ca. 3000 B.C.)
Sumer – The world’s first known kings and their cities (ziggurat shown below)
Sumer (3100-2000 B.C.) City-states: Sumerians built up 12 “city-states” that each took turns being the capital until 2800 B.C. At about 2800 B.C. Sumer became united under a single king. Then a series of kings continued to rule thereafter.
Links to Literature Gilgamesh was said to be king of Uruk, ca. 2700 B.C. Gilgamesh was said to be a “demi-god” (part god), being 2/3 god and 1/3 human. He is the main character in The Epic of Gilgamesh, perhaps the oldest literature known probably written down in cuneiform about 2100 B.C. It was lost until it was rediscovered in Nineveh in the 1800s (library of Ashurbanipal uncovered in 1845) It may be the oldest known work of literature in human history.
Ishtar Gate
Religion of Mesopotamia The ancient Mesopotamians were a polytheistic society. They believed in multiple gods. Shamash is the god of the sun Ishtar is the goddess of love and war Enlil is the god of earth and the wind Ninsun- a minor goddess who was known for her wisdom. She is Gilgamesh’s mother.