Societies of the Americas Beringia Maybe not the only way peeps came??? (Thor Heyerdahl) Cultural differentiation sees similar peeps turn into hundreds of distinct societies
Geopolitical reasons for different technological development of Americas Very different nature of Neolithic Revolution Population density Competition for resources
Eastern Woodlands Mississippians develop complex society along river valleys (Hopewell descent) “mound builders” Cahokia Iroquois League northeast confederation “federal” system Natchez – cultural diffusers between North and Mesoamerica
Great Plains and Southwest Great Plains tribes – nomadic societies (buffalo) Anasazi of the Southwest adapt to their environment Pueblo Bonito
The Inuit Last to arrive; nomadic hunters Clash with Vikings on the east coast @ 1000 AD Nunavit
Mesoamerica Teotihuacan Model cities on Maya style, model for Aztecs Olmecs ----- the “mother culture” of the region Toltecs - - - Teotihuacan Model cities on Maya style, model for Aztecs Maya ----- City states on the Yucatan Peninsula Extensive trade networks math, astronomical, and architectural innovators Aztec ------ Regional bad-asses… Tributary empire The original “Bloods”
South America Chavin, Moche, and Nazca cultures lay foundations for the Inca Inca unite an extensive empire in challenging terrain Quecha Quipu System of roads and communication
Nazca Lines… what the what?!?!?!
Climate zones of the African continent “Mediterranean” zones extreme north and south Desert (Sahara and Kalahari) Savanna grasslands transition between desert and rainforests Rainforests in much of central Africa Sahel region – greatest concentration of African population, and most affected by desertification
Village / tribal life at the heart of the African social experience Lineage groups trace tribal lines back to common ancestors Often matrilineal as well as patrilineal Griots connect villages - sources of history and outside info
North Africa East Africa Bantu Migrations West Africa Central Africa Berbers East Africa Nubia/Kush Axum Ethiopia Bantu Migrations Swahili city-states Kilwa West Africa Ghana Mali Songhai Hausa city-states Central Africa Great Zimbabwe