Using the National Classification of Interventions for Social care in Sweden WHO-FIC Network Annual meeting Barcelona 11-17 October 2014 Ann-Helene Almborg1,2 Bratt M.1, Hammerin A.1, Berg L2 Classifications and terminology National Board of Health and Welfare Nordic WHO-FIC CC
The National Board of Health and Welfare in Sweden has been commissioned by the Swedish government to develop a national classification of interventions in social care … and a national information structure and a national interdisciplinary terminology for health and social care
Classifications of interventions for social care (KSI) KSI Beta2 version includes 895 interventions 412 investigative activities [A] 483 supportive activities [B])
Targets and actions 117 targets and 17 actions
Using the KSI in the electronic documentation of social care
Conclusions Swedish social care professionals have expressed that they may get benefits in future use of KSI in their electronic documentation such as: • Increased clarity Increased legal security Facilitated cooperation Increased possibility to evaluate at local and national level More concrete activities They have also expressed that there is a learning challenge to incorporate KSI in their work and in the structured electronic documentation in social care.
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