A visit to ERESTE STAR Company. -Popescu Mihai, clasa a X-a E Project name: Erasmus+ 2015-1-LV01-KA219-013417_3 Learning platform: Young people Entrepreneurial skill development possibilities.
What is Ereste Star Company? It is a factory dealing with construction of superstructures for trucks. It is located in Ramnicu Valcea.
Inside the company The engineer explains the students the production process and all the necessary steps.
How to cut the board There is a special laser used by Ereste Star Company for cutting the board needed to construct a container. - This laser is very dangerous for begginers! In this picture we can see how the board is cut.
Final product In the end, the engineer presents us final product, a container which is not yet attached to a truck.
And finally… The staff at the Ereste Star Company presents us a truck without container but they explain how it will be attached to the truck.
Thank you We thank Ereste Star for the time spent in their company and for all explanantions! Students from Colegiul Energetic Rm Valcea
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