ESS Validation Project State of Play and next steps


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Presentation transcript:

ESS Validation Project State of Play and next steps ESTP course Item 05 Luxembourg, 21-22 Nov 2017 Eurostat, Unit B1

Deliverables provided by ESS VIP Validation in 2015 Dimension Deliverables Methodology ESS methodological handbook for validation (Version 1) Standards Standard ESS validation syntax (VTL 1.0) Processes/Governance Proposal for a Business and IT architecture IT Prototype for a validation rule manager Prototype for a structural validation service

Next steps: May ESSC conclusions In May 2016, the ESSC approved a set of follow-up actions to the ESS.VIP Validation. These actions focus on deploying into statistical production the deliverables of the ESS.VIP Validation.

Goals and expected outcomes for ESS Validation Medium-term goals Business Outcomes Goal 1: Ensure the transparency of the validation procedures applied to the data sent to Eurostat by the ESS Member States. Increase in the quality and credibility of European statistics   Reduction of costs related to the time-consuming validation cycle in the ESS ("validation Ping-Pong") Goal 2: Enable sharing and re-use of validation services across the ESS on a voluntary basis. Reduction of costs related to IT development and maintenance

Main achievements Jan 2016 to Nov 2017 Business architecture for ESS Validation finalised and approved VTL: Assessment of VTL for content validation rules in 5 domains Proof of concept of a VTL interpreter (VTL sandbox) Contribution to improvement of VTL (via public consultation) VTL 2.0 Pre-release under review Tools and services: STRUVAL available at Eurostat in Process Manager and exposed as shared service CONVAL-1 (based on EDIT) available at Eurostat in Process Manager and exposed as shared service Communication (Video, Training courses, Web pages, …)

Next steps (until Dec 2019) VTL 2.0 published in Dec 2017 Deployment in all statistical domains of standard framework for describing and agreeing on validation rules and roles (template, guidelines, best practices, …) Deployment of Business Architecture in ESS Validation services and registries available Standardisation of ESS validation reports

Standard framework for validation rules and roles practise of designing and agreeing on validation rules at Working Group level will be extended to all statistical domains until end 2019 validation rules will be documented using common cross- domain standards clear validation responsibilities will be assigned to the different actors

Priority for deployment in Domains Top 20 domains for eDAMIS transmissions in 2016 Cover about 80% of all transmissions (in total of 83 domains) Include 7 of the 8 pilot domains 5 Priority levels: 8 Pilot domains (Animal, Milk, Asylum, BOP-ITS, Energy, HBS, NA, STS) 9 domains in top 20, with ratio V2/V1>= 50% 4 domains in top 20 with ratio V2/V1<50% 23 domains ranked 21 to 83 with ratio V2/V1>= 50% 39 domains ranked 21 to 83 with ratio V2/V1< 50% Tasks: Maturity assessment and documentation gathering Standardisation of documentation Discussions in Working Groups Validation rules written in VTL Validation services can be used

Priorities for deployment Top 20 domains Rank Dir. Unit Process Transm. % Trans Version 1 Version 2 Version 3+ V2/V1 Versions Pilot Priority order 1 G G3 STS 6605 10.00% 4888 1094 623 22.38% 1.35 X 2 C C2 NA-ESA 6255 9.47% 2569 1548 2138 60.26% 2.43 3 E E1 CROPROD 4849 7.34% 1578 841 2430 53.30% 3.07 4 G5 COMEXT 4384 6.64% 1287 682 2415 52.99% 3.41 5 E5 ENERGY 4310 6.52% 2852 838 620 29.38% 1.51 6 F F2 ASYLUM 2848 4.31% 2238 506 104 22.61% 1.27 7 C5 BPM6 2730 4.13% 572 383 1775 66.96% 4.77 8 G2 SBS 2575 3.90% 1817 469 289 25.81% 1.42 9 TOUR 2525 3.82% 1068 732 725 68.54% 2.36 10 E3 AIR 2399 3.63% 959 764 676 79.67% 2.50 11 REGWEB 2286 3.46% 1228 797 261 64.90% 1.86 12 C4 HICP 2000 3.03% 22.58% 13 MRTM 1977 2.99% 568 442 967 77.82% 3.48 14 ANI 1783 2.70% 1444 241 98 16.69% 1.23 15 MILK 962 1.46% 554 202 206 36.46% 1.74 16 D D4 EDP 954 1.44% 333 380 72.37% 2.86 17 ROAD 844 1.28% 417 189 238 45.32% 2.02 18 E2 WASTE 807 1.22% 558 156 93 27.96% 1.45 19 F5 ESSPROS 783 1.19% 252 188 343 74.60% 3.11 20 F3 LFS 726 1.10% 270 160 296 59.26% 2.69 9

Main cooperation instruments Pilot domains Task Force on Validation ESSnet Validat Integration Grants to implement the ESS Architecture National Accounts Validation Task Force and Grants Energy Statistics Validation Task Force

8 Pilot domains Animal, Milk, Asylum, BOP-ITS, Energy, HBS, NA, STS 7 in the Top 20 transmissions to Eurostat (covering more than 30% of file transmissions) Pre-validation tools already used (eDAMIS Web Forms, EDIT, GENEDI, SDMX tools, MS-Excel, …) NSI and Other National Authorities Aggregated and micro-data

Task Force on Validation 8 Participating countries: DE, EE, IE, IT, NL, PT, SI, UK Mandate between June 2016 and Dec 2017: Pilot implementation of methodological handbook Pilot implementation of VTL Finalisation of Business and IT Architecture 7th meeting was on 7th Nov

ESSnet Validat Integration Participating countries:DE, LT, NL, PL, PT, SE Builds on results of previous ESSnet Validat Foundation Work Packages between Jan 2017 and March 2018: (LT) Finalise Methodological Handbook (NL) Create a standard validation report structure (PT, PL, SE) Develop a cost/benefit model for the 3 scenarios of the Business and IT architecture (DE) 4 Regional conferences (Lisbon, Den Haag, Vilnius, Belgrade) More at

Grants Implementation of Business Architecture for ESS Validation 5 applications received (EE, HR, IT, LT, PL) Total budget : about 350.000 EUR Budget probably available for next year as well (2nd wave) Objectives: fostering implementation of ESS Validation in countries. Covers all types of activities to increase the maturity of countries to implement the ESS validation policy and to benefit from ESS shared development. Example of activities: pilot the implementation of Business Architecture for ESS validation in one or more statistical domains implementation of principle “the sooner, the better” by deriving the validation rules agreed at earlier stages in the national production process

National Accounts Validation Task Force 15 Participating countries from NSI or Central Banks: (AT, BE, CZ, DE, DK, FR, GR, IE, IS, IT, NL, PL, SE, SI, UK) + OECD + ECB Mandate started in 2014 Review validation checks performed in Eurostat Clarification of methodological or practical aspects Validation rules for an internal or external pre-validation tool Collection and dissemination of associated metadata Last meeting at Eurostat: 18-19 October 2017

National Accounts Validation Grants 2015 Grants: BG, DK, EL, NL, SI 2016 Grants: CY, CZ, DK, LT Pilot scenarios of the Business Architecture for Validation: SI, (DK), (NL) LT, CY, DK, EL, CZ BG, DK, EL, (NL) Grant coordination meeting at Eurostat: 20 October 2017

Task Force ESS shared Validation and SDMX in Energy Statistics 6 Participating countries from NSI or Ministries: (CZ, DE, HR, PL, SE, TK) + IEA (International Energy Agency) Mandate: Understanding and optimisation of the ESS shared validation process and underlying SDMX DSD definitions Pilot projects for testing and fine tuning Assessment of effectiveness, user-friendliness and needs on training and documentation Proposal for an ESS wide implementation plan Main input: Validation handbooks in Energy Statistics First meeting at Eurostat: 12 September 2017

Training courses => ESTP course 21-22 Nov => 4 ESSnet regional conferences

QUESTIONS ? Time for lunch ?