Bayer Innovative Roadway Prescriptions AMOTIA Meeting 2018 Bayer Innovative Roadway Prescriptions Dan Mixson Gueth Braddock /// Bayer 16:9 HR Template /// November 2017
Bayer Innovation for Selective Weed Control Esplanade 200SC Superior pre-emergent broadleaf and grass weed control where warm season turf grass is desired. Outstanding residual control means less weed seed production and less mowing. Unique MOA. Method 240SL Both pre and post emergent control of many broadleaf weeds at very low use rates. Derigo Combination of 3 Ai and very low use rates for weed control in warm season grass roadsides with plant growth regulation and seed head suppression for Bahia grass. /// Bayer 16:9 HR Template /// November 2017
Bayer Innovation in Timing Prescription Calendar
Esplanade 5 oz./ac + Glyphosate 13 oz./ac + Surf. Oct. 25 – Nov. 25, 2017 application Dutton district
Good Economic Information I-59 Guard rails for one ALDOT district 27.88 miles string trimming cost $16,000 (about $475/ac.). This can be done up to 3 times/year. Substituted one (1) fall Esplanade 5 oz./ac + Glyphosate 13 oz./ac with labor/equipment cost = $1,550 (Used 1.32 gallons of Esplanade 200SC) Maintained weed control and line-of-sight for the entire year without the need for string trimming.
Cable Barrier and Guardrail Treatment Comparisons (ALDOT) It would take 17 years of annual weed trimming to break even comparing the cost of the concrete pad installation It would take 53 years of annual Esplanade applications to break even comparing the cost of the 1 year of line trimming. It would take 875 years of annual Esplanade applications to break even comparing the cost of the concrete pad installation. (Comparing 5 ft. wide swath for 1 mile)
Esplanade 200SC (2nd fall treatment), Method 240SL, and Derigo Image August 14, 2018 and no line trimming in 10 months
US 84 Photo taken: May 14, 2015
US 84 Application date: February 6, 2015 Photo taken: May 14, 2015
DOT District Management versus maintenance (2,781 ac). 2014 cost $644,879 3 mowing cycles and 4 herbicide treatments Cost per acre $231.89 2017 cost $411,937 1 mowing cycle and 2 herbicide treatments Cost per acre $148.12 Esplanade, Method, and Derigo
“The most dangerous job in our district is mowing and string trimming on the interstate. Not just dangerous for us, but for the public also.” Doug Hicks, District Superintendent
MOWING VS HERBICIDES Photo taken: August 2016 Mowed 7 times in 2016 3/13, 4/4, 4/20, 5/4, 5/20, 6/19, 7/18 NO HERBICIDES Last mowed in October of 2015 HERBICIDES APPLIED IN FEBRUARY AND AGAIN IN MAY
Benefits If planned and managed properly the District should: Reduce the interaction between mowers and the traveling public (increased safety) Reduce mower damage to slopes and appurtenances Have mowing funds that can be spent elsewhere in the District Have labor to redirect to other District needs Estimates ranged from 5 to 7 weeks for a 5 man crew Increase the appearance of the District roadsides and, over time, see an increase in the District condition assessment scores
“24 ounces in 24 Months” No Mechanical Mowing DOT Roadside tour Esplanade 5 oz/ac + Perspective 2 oz/ac treatment October 2015 Follow up with Derigo 2 oz/ac + Perspective 2 oz/ac May 2016 Esplanade 5 oz/ac + Method 240SL 3.2 oz/ac October 2016 Follow up with Derigo 2 oz/ac + Method 240SL 3.2 oz/ac May 2017
DOT District Fall Esplanade + Method Replaced 7,000 gal. of diuron Derigo + Method in early summer 16 counties went from 2 mowings to 1
District 5 December 2017 application of Esplanade + Method I-20 West bound (photo taken in May 2018 no mowing)
1962 Construction on I-55 Mississippi
Safety Prescriptions long-term Best weed control is a healthy turf Take Home Message Safety Prescriptions long-term Best weed control is a healthy turf /// Bayer 16:9 HR Template /// November 2017
Dan Mixson 850. 377. 4731 dan. mixson@bayer. com Gueth Braddock 601 Dan Mixson 850.377.4731 Gueth Braddock 601.748.3494 Thank You Kindly /// Bayer 16:9 HR Template /// November 2017