Gifted Enrichment In Middle School WCASD 2014-15 Ms. Beth Walton Best, GRT Mr. Christopher Beatty, GRT
Teaching Team 2014-15 Ms. Beth Walton Best, GRT and Mr. Christopher Beatty, GRT
Self-Selected courses Students select courses by their interests and strengths Courses progress on Level I, II and III becoming more individualized and specific as students delve deeper into a subject. Students may continue or move on to a new interest at the end of the mod Course offerings reflect small group interests to encourage collaboration with peers of similar goals
What Works for Me? 6th, 7th or 8th graders may select a year-long course or competition OR 3 consecutive modules of study 1st , 2nd or 3rd marking period
Variety is the Spice of Life Often mixed levelscollaborate because of their similar interests and abilities Experienced students may help lead the group at times Our three WC middle school teachers often collaborate Experts are often invited to speak to students
How Often Do I Meet with My Group? Classes meet 2 times in a 6 day cycle classes meet for one period but sometimes when preparing for a competition or performance, additional practices may be needed Schedules are structured to rotate so that you will not miss the same class more than two times during any month in most cases
Check the Schedule Quarterly Calendars are posted on the door of B104 and in the bin Students may take schedules to keep in their binder or locker or at home All information is posted on the Peirce, Gifted Enrichment EDLINE website (from “parent” or “student” drop down) Check the scrolling daily announcements WENP for changes and updates
Will I Have Homework? There is no homework on a regular basis but sometimes students may work from home via the Wiki on PMSclips or Google Docs to collaborate if they are sick or have a class trip. This is voluntary.
Rewards? There are no report card grades for Enrichment in middle school (WCASD). We self-evaluate and teacher evaluate progress on goals using the gifted progress rubric and written reflection. We also pre and post test for prior knowledge and growth for each course The reward is the time to think and collaborate during school in areas (from the curriculum) of high interest to you Often there are awards and recognition that come with excellence in Enrichment competitions or projects
Can I Bring a Friend? Only students identified as gifted learners may miss class to participate in Enrichment activities during the class times BUT often friends are invited to come for a Power Lunch or other special times – your friends are very important to you and part of the Peirce Community –we are partners in growth and learning
What if I Change My Mind? Communication is key to all that we accomplish in Enrichment If you have a schedule conflict, come see us ASAP- we will work with you! If you want to change your course selection come and talk to us about it and we will find the right fit for your interests
Best Class Ever!!! Give us feedback –what worked what didn’t? Suggest ideas for new mods Repeat a theme course if you really want to continue exploring opportunities-challenge yourself to new levels Invite a friend to Power Lunch or a neighbor as a guest speaker Come to check in in the morning if you have questions or experiences to share Invite us to see you give a regular education presentation, as in math or the Fusion Festival Come back to visit when you pick your college or career or have exciting things to share!