Eating Your Genealogical Elephant, One Bite at the Time Marilyn Thomsen Eating Your Genealogical Elephant, One Bite at the Time
1. Start with time 2. Organize your bites 3. Pick your elephant
Start at the feet of the Lord
Carve out time Through small bites of time great things can happen. What can you do in: 5 to 15minutes 30 minutes 1 hour 2 hours ½ day 1 day 5 minutes: file a paper, label a folder, label a picture, make a plan 30 minutes: write an email, make a phone call. Look at one record, 1 hour: look at one record, analyse it, label it, file it.
Manage your time like money
A timer helps get over the “Don’t-wannas” Focus for a few minutes Chime means stop or reset Plan what to do when you return later.
Organize your time so you can focus Use lists Research logs Calendar Be consistent
If an elephant is eating you, renegotiate.
The bites
One-at-the- time
Corral your clutter Make an organization plan Gather the tools Make a list Go online Have supplies delivered
Learn to use your tools Family History Programs Email Internet Camera
Have an attitude of life long learning
Learning a few new tricks Keeps the fun in it
Get a Coach
Pick the Elephant Start with prayer
Write a plan and follow it
Keep your map handy incase of detour
Remember to check back with the Lord
It’s called Temple WORK So get to work