Introduction to Sets
Introduction to Sets Sets naturally follow the unit for inequalities Universal: All the possible elements of a given set. Denoted by “U” Any other letter will be a subset. Subset denoted by sideways u.
Introduction to Sets Union between two sets: Denoted by “U” Contains one of every element that appears in any of the given subsets Intersection between two sets: Denoted by “∩” Contains only the elements that are in common between two subsets
Introduction to Sets Elements of sets: Denoted by “E” An element occurs in a given set or subset.
Introduction to Sets Example: Universal Set U {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10} Subset A {1,3,5,7,9} Subset B {1,2,3,5,} Find A U B Find A ∩ B Is B a subset of A?