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Presentation transcript:


HISTORY… 150 YEARS BACK AUGUSTINO BASSI in Italy established that a fungus Beauveria bassiana was cause of disease in silk worm

In 1910 RAYMOND JACQUES SABOURAUD published monumental work on dermatophytes “LESTEIGNES” He is known as FATHER OF MEDICAL MYCOLOGY

Les Teignes lesions

Many modern molecular techniques and others were developed to study the medical mycology but some are still in darkness… ex:1.classification of parafungal organisms 2.some organisms such as Lacazia ioboi cultures are not done successfully

Ecological group of fungi 1.Soil fungi 2.Aquatic fungi 3.Coprophilus fungi 4.Entomogenous fungi 5.Predacious fungi 6.Marine fungi 7.Osmophilic fungi 8.Thermophilic fungi

DEFNITION The branch of biology which deals with study of fungi mushroom=mykes =fungi in Latin

MEDICAL MYCOLOGY Study of fungal Epidemiology Ecology Pathogenesis Diagnosis Treatment In humans.

Myco as misnomer… prefix “Myco” has been given to few bacteria ex: Mycoplasma mycobacterium mycosis fungoides ???

MORPHOLOGY Fungi are eukaryotic protista rigid cell wall =chitin,mannan, polysaccharides cytoplasm membrane=sterols contains true nucleus, nuclear membrane, paired chromosomes.



Morphological classification NAME EXAMPLE 1.Yeast Cryptococcus neoformans 2.Yeastlike Candida sps 3.Moulds dermatophytes 4.Dimorphic blastomycetes

Method of reproduction

Several fungal infections are emerging… WHY???

PREDISPOSING FACTORS 1.More aggressive treatment modalities 2. Immunocompremised 3.AIDS 4.Prosthetic devices 5.Antibiotics 6.Iv drug abusing 7.Catheter usage

These predisposed factors leads to increased chances of fungal infections… The same fungal agent can produce different manifestations depending on underlying situation

Based on the wide spectrum of adaptability various fungi are categorized in to 1.pathogenic fungi 2.opportunistic fungi 3.toxigenic fungi 4.allergenic fungi

Based on primary site of infection 1 Based on primary site of infection 1.superficial mycosis tinea or ring worm 2.cutaneous mycosis dermatophytosis 3.sub cutaneous mycosis mycotic mycetoma 4.systemic mycosis coccidiomycosis 5.opportunistic mycosis aspergillosis


Out breaks due to fungal infections do occur but only in SPORADIC forms and epidemic have not been reported ex :incidence of cryptococcal meningitis cases by cryptococcus neoformans has increased 1000fold in new York city alone

LABORATORY DIAGNOSIS 1.DIRECT MICROSCOPY KOH preparation Calcoflour white Gram staining Indian ink preparation

CULTURE: SDA agar BHI agar czapek dox medium corn meal agar incubated at22c for 1wk identification

3. Serological tests : agglutinations CFT,CIE ELISA,RIA 4 3.Serological tests : agglutinations CFT,CIE ELISA,RIA 4.Skintests:histoplasmin test 5.Molecular methods: PCR,DNA probes 6.Typing methods 7.Animal inoculation


USES 1.Recycling 2.As food 3.Flavouring agents 4.Russian or Manchurian tea 5.Fermentation 6.Antibiotic preparation 7.ergot-claviceps(as vasoconstricting agent) 8.Vaccine preparation and many more….

Harmful effects 1.Fungal diseases 2.Mycotoxicosis 3.Mycetismus 4.Bread moulds 5.Biological warfare's