2016 Biomed Parent Orientation Welcome to the family
PLTW Project Lead the Way Our online biomedical curriculum One course per year Principles of Biomedical Sciences Must have Supplies – 2 inch binder, 8 dividers, loose-leaf paper, googles, gloves, head phones www.pltw.org
NAF National Academy Foundation National organization that regulates how our academy operates Believes in work-based learning, advisory boards, and business partnerships with schools Promotes college and career readiness training in the school setting www.naf.org
Courses for 9th Graders Principles of Biomedical Sciences (EOC) Biology I English I Algebra I (EOC) Civics 2 Electives: PE/Health, IBCA, Fine Arts Survey
So how do I help my child succeed? Get access to your child’s PLTW and Edmodo After school computer times – Tues. and Thurs till 3:20 p.m. Mentor Tutoring – Have your child sign up as needed Monitor Powerschool weekly Use Khan Academy tutorials (khanacademy.com)
What if I need to meet with a teacher? Send an email – check OHS website for addresses Call Biomed (337-948-8499) and set up appt with Mrs. Reed
What to expect on first day? Be on the look out for the following pieces of paper that need to be completed and returned: Contact info sheet Internet Agreement Health info sheet Lunch forms (online or on paper) Bahavioral /academic agreements (must sign) Be sure you have sent copies of current shot records
Academy Fees $40 academy fee (yearly) Consumable supplies Awards Copy machine Mail items
Bus Routes Bus Assignments given to students at Biomed orientation Contact me with any questions or concerns Expect delays and issues the first week – especially if you live out of zone
My child’s in – What is required to stay in? GPA – 2.0 Pass PLTW course – 68 or better final average Behavioral/academic probation and dismissal Follow proper Internet usage policy 10 hours of community service (must be recorded on volunteer sheet – kept on file)
Sign up for Remind (or be left in the dark) Remind – notification system used by Biomed to keep parents informed of upcoming fundraisers, events, and important deadlines. Text @ohsbiom to 81010 Don’t forget the @ symbol You should receive a response back saying your enrolled
End of Year Trip Yearly trip out of state Visit Biomedical site and a “fun” site Usually a 4 day trip Take a chartered bus FUNDRAISING is available to offset the cost of the trip – we always have kids that raise 100% of the cost of their trip
End of Year Trip 2015 - Tennessee
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