Initial exploration: Some of the key features associated with Theatre in Education are ____ The Bully Game explores themes, style and historical and social context. Examples of this would be ______
What is Theatre in Education? Background information
Where did it originate from? (Historical) Why was / is it important? How has T.I.E developed over time? Why is it an influential type of theatre?
What famous Theatre in Education companies are there? Specific information and detail about them Why are they successful? How are they funded? Who works for them? What specific topics/issues do they cover? What specific production elements are used in successful T.I.E companies
How are you as the production company using T. I How are you as the production company using T.I.E to perform an influential piece of theatre?
How would you use the items listed below to create an effective piece of theatre? Verbatim Theatre Transcripts World War One/Two Stimuli Images Music Poetry Stories and Background information of the Elderly
How would you work with your T. I How would you work with your T.I.E group to help stage and produce a successful production? Choose an option; provide details and designs. Lighting Sound Make-up Staging Costume Design Elements