Bringing data to life -statistical approaches to global issues 11-14 years: Session 5 Add notes about what the lesson is about or background info about any photos (optional).
The age and years of experience of women in collective action groups Add notes about what the lesson is about or background info about any photos (optional).
Honey producers from a women-only support organisation This photo will help bring to life that this was a real project working with women in Ethiopia. Photo credit: Tarekegn Garomsa/Oxfam
Bar graphs… Number of women Number of women Age Age These bar graphs are using data from a random sample of women from Ethiopia. Age Age
…versus…percentage bars These bar graphs are using data from a random sample of women from Ethiopia. Which is clearer?
…versus…pie charts Which is clearer? Which is clearer? These bar graphs are using data from a random sample of women from Ethiopia. Which is clearer? Which is clearer?
Questions Which chart was easiest to understand? Did you realise all of the charts were using the same data?
Discuss Which presentation technique would you use to present your findings to the following audiences, and why? Someone who wasn’t confident with numbers and understanding data Someone who wanted to know the average age of women farmers in WCA groups Someone who wanted to know the years of experience of women farmers in WCA groups