Physics 3 – Sept 27, 2018 Today’s Objective – 3.2 Gas Laws lab directions: Evaluate a simple gas law. Do Now – This is the last day to work on your Gas Law Projects. Remember the goal is to create a 6-12 pg IA style paper. See IA writing information document online. Today’s Objective – Agenda Conclusions and writing Today Assignment: What’s Due? 3.2 Perform Gas Law Expt Report due Oct 2 What’s Next? Waves, Read IB 4.2 p153-162
IA Process Tuesday 9/10: Pick a research topic. (Here must be the evaluation of a gas law. Your team selects the law to evaluate.) Tuesday 9/10: Research background material and possible methodologies. Thursday 9/12: Design an experiment. Do a trial run. Modify as needed. Lab day 1 Tues 9/18: Collect data. Lab day 2 Thurs 9/20: Complete data set. Lab day 3 Tues 9/25: Analyze data. Average results, graphs, statistics, etc.. Thurs 9/27: Form conclusions. Did you verify the gas law? Error analysis. % error Write as a 6-12 page paper!! Due Tues 10/2 One paper per team.