Mental Illness Year 10 Science
Behaviour Vs Mental Processes A behaviour is any observable action made by a living person Examples include; walking, crying, blinking, eating etc. All of these activities can be seen, this means they can be observed. Mental processes refer to an individuals thoughts and feelings Examples included; what you think about, your mood, your attitudes, how you learn and understand These can not be seen, therefore they can not be directly observed
The Mental Health Continuum Mentally Healthy Mental health problem Mental illness Mental health is often said to be on a continuum. Everyone fits somewhere along it. Where someone is on the continuum may change throughout the lifespan.
The Mental Health Continuum Mentally healthy Mental health problem Mental illness We all feel negative feelings sometimes like anger or sadness (can you list a few more?) but if we can generally cope with these feelings and effectively handle the problem then we are mentally healthy. Sometimes people go through a ‘rough patch’ maybe as a result of a friendship breakdown etc. but recover after a relatively short period of time and feel better. This is a mental health problem. Occasionally the mental health problem may get worse or not subside and the person may not be able to function normally from day to day. This might be a mental illness.
Definition of mental illness... Disorders that interfere with Psychological dysfunction involves emotions thought processes behaviour perception causing variable amounts of stress and suffering to the person involved distress impairment in the ability to cope with everyday life thoughts, feelings and/or behaviour that are not typical of the person or appropriate within their society and/or culture.
Mental Illnesses Metal illness can be divided into two categories: psychosis and neurosis Psychosis: loss of contact with reality. Person may experience hallucinations, cannot distinct between reality and imaginary. Examples: Schizophrenia. Neurosis: Difficulties with feelings, thoughts and behaviours. The person is still in touch with reality. Examples: Depression, anxiety and personality disorders.
Mental Disorders Mood disorders Depression Personality disorders Anxiety disorders Phobias Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) Addiction disorders Gambling Neurocognitive disorders Alzheimer’s disease Personality disorders Borderline personality disorder Antisocial Personality Disorder(ASPD)psychopathy Psychotic disorders Schizophrenia
Anxiety Disorders A little anxiety is apart of normal life, when the intensity of this feeling is out of proportion to the situation and interferes with everyday life is becomes an anxiety disorder. People may feel: Tense Apprehensive Worry about the situation Avoid the situation of perceived threat Think that they will not be able to cope Females are twice as likely to suffer from an anxiety disorder. Physiological changes: Increased heart rate Muscle tension Rapid breathing
Psychotic Disorders Schizophrenia: Loss of contact with reality, involves disturbances in thinking, emotions and behaviour. Suffer from delusions and hallucinations. Disorganised speech and behaviour. Onset is in late teens for males (18 years) and early 20’s for females (25 years). 1% of the population will suffer from schizophrenia.
Psychotic Disorders Schizophrenia and marijuana: Marijuana is a psychoactive drug that alters perceptions and impairs memory, thinking and other cognitive tasks. A study comparing adolescents who smoke marijuana and those that do not found abnormalities in brain regions that are involved in cognitive skills such as memory, attention, language and decision-making. Suggests that marijuana disrupts critical brain development during adolescence.
Antisocial Personality Disorder Psychopathy: Tendency to appear charming but this is only superficial Appears calm and sincere but is the opposite Is unreliable in friendships No sense of shame or remorse Self-centred Lacks empathy Arrogant Opinionated Incapable of love or affection Violates the rights of others
Antisocial Personality Disorder Psychopathy: Signs are often apparent in childhood through aggression to others or animals, destruction of property, theft, serious rule breaking. In adulthood the behaviour will become more serious; breaking the law, disregard for others feelings/rights, lying, conning, impulsive behaviour without thought for consequences, and physical violence.
Body Dysmorphic Disorder It is unknown how many are affected by this disorder. It is characterised by the preoccupation with an imagined defect in appearance like scars, thin hair, wrinkles, or even abnormally large feet. The person cannot control how often they think about this imagined ‘ugliness’ and often touch the area and check it in a mirror constantly.
Body Dysmorphic Disorder Watch this clip or Research using the internet Body Dysmorphic Disorder Answer the following questions in your book: Identify two characteristics of Body Dysmorphic Disorder. How would a teenager with this disorder feel? How would their social development be affected? How would their academic/vocational involvement be affected?